Chapter 4: First Day

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A day after the exams everyone who got accept were going to UA Issei did not want to wear the freaking uniform it was too tight over his body but he was force he thinks Nezu did this on purpose for what he said during the exam day to the kids...He doesn't blame him but what he said wasn't wrong well from his point of view but oh well he will deal with it for now but now he's making his way towards the school who chose to get there early and get some extra time to sleep since he's not use to waking up early in the morning when he got there he notice he was the first one there in his classroom 1-A so he just took a seat somewhere and began sleeping for a bit since the other classmates will be joining soon so he just chose to train for a couple a minutes with Add since he was the second power he uses a lot but soon the classroom start to fill up one by one he was even smacked on the head by Katsumi who told him to wake up he just looked at her a bit annoyed but calm down and just greeted her along with Shinso who was in his class but what surprised was the purple midget actually managed to freaking pass but he will let it slide since in all honesty he didn't care about it as much but one person he wished he didn't have to see was the dude with glasses Iida was his name who was already being a stick in the ass by trying to organize everyone there of course they ignored him and did what they want because who was actually going to listen him Issei wasn't for sure especially when he was telling Issei to wake up but he got very annoyed when he tried to touch him Issei basically grabbed him by his wrist and began crushing it scaring him and hurting him.

Issei: Listen well Iida was it? You don't touch me and I won't mess with you don't even bother me you're an annoying person who takes things way and I mean way to serious take a god damn chill pill and sit down before I beat your ass to next Monday!

Issei let Iida go and sat back down yeah him and Iida aren't going to get along well thats for sure but with everyone else Issei was fine with they seemed fun to hang out with Iida for him is just someone that has been following the rules since birth sort of remind him of Sona whos always way to serious sort of the reason why he quit having a crush on her.

Katsumi: Issei calm down jeez look what you did ass hole.

Iida: He shouldn't be sleeping during class! It's my duty to up hold the rules of this school! This is where great heroes are made!

Issei: Pft "great" Heroes 60% of the heroes only become heroes for fame and money I should know i've seen them ignore so many crimes in the world i've had to get my hands dirty to protect people form just basic mugging the heroes today aren't worth being called hero to the 40% actually being a true hero they earn my respect but those fake heroes can go eat a dick.

(I know i'm making Issei look like a villain but think about it he's fought freaking Trihexa and died 2 times he experience being a true hero and seeing these so called heroes only do it for money of course it will piss him off)

Before this conversation could go on further Izumi held Issei back to not punch Iida since he already had his dynamos ready to send a blast attack at Iida.

Izumi: Issei calm down please we don't want you to get expelled on the first day!

Issei: S-Sorry Izumi...

Katsumi: I swear you idiot you over react a lot we know your past but you have to calm down alright?

Issei: Yeah sorry about that but I meant what I said so if this guy does learn to calm down and stop being so annoying no quirk out there will be able to heal his broken legs.

Iida: Such behavior! Are you really aiming to become a hero!?

???: That enough! You guys didn't even notice i was here! If you're here just to start fights than get out because that will not be tolerated in my classroom!

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