Chapter 6: The Attack

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After the training with All Might and running into his old crushes Issei was not ready for what was held for today since this school was always up to something but today classes seem somewhat normal today but he was still in training with Aizawa to be someone who doesn't care.

Izumi: Issei we are going to the lunch room are you really going to try and stay and "train".

Issei was just sipping apple juice like Aizawa and was laying on the floor while giving her a dead eye look.

Aizawa: He has learn well.

Katsumi: I got this lets go you damn idiot.

Katsumi picked up Issei and began walking to the cafeteria with him slung over his shoulder.

Issei: Why yall gotta ruin my fun?

Izumi: You are not about to be lazy all day Issei.

Shinso: If I weren't training I would have joined him.

Issei: This is my training I work too hard I need rest.

Katsumi: Just get out the damn thing we are about to eat.

Shinso: Why am I being force to carry his lunch?

Izumi: Because last time we carried Issei lunch we put something in it to make him pass out and hang him upside down in the park and let him get hit like a piñata by a bunch of kids.

Issei: I'm pretty sure one of those brats tried to shove that stick up my ass of course I will be pissed!

Katsumi: Ah you still love us anyway quit complaining.

Issei: Shinso you see what I have to deal with?

Shinso: Yeah I can see it now.

Rumi: Oi guys!

Issei still on Katsumi shoulder looks up to see Rumi with her own lunch.

Rumi: You can join me in the lounge so you can have more free space if you want.

Izumi: I think we are good we can't always spend time with a pro hero we have to get to know the others too.

Issei: Shes right people may start to think we are being favored by the teachers.

Rumi: Tch damit didn't want to deal with those women back over there especially that Midnight girl also Issei you may have another person who will be after your heart.

Issei: Her of all people!?

Rumi: I mean she looks at you a lot so either she wants to take you out the picture or take you out on a date.

Issei: Fuck my luck...

And so Issei and his friends sit down to eat while Rumi went back to the teacher longue to eat her food, but Issei had a few people join them Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kaminari and Kirishima.

Kaminari: Yo you four mind if we sit here?

Issei: Be our guest the more the merrier.

Kirishima: Thanks Issei bro! When you aren't mad at Iida 24/7 you are actually a pretty cool guy.

Issei: Hey that guy is annoying hes too high and mighty yes we are heroes in training but not every hero who came from this school earns my respect so many of them only joined for money and fame a real hero doesn't give a shit about that and does whatever they can to save the lives of many others.

Izumi: And they do it with a smile too.

Issei: No thats just All Might but hey if it works for him who can judge him I know I can't since that dude has done a lot to keep people safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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