Girlie Time

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The evening went by quickly and drinks were going down even quicker. "When can we go wedding shopping?" The girls kept asking about the wedding. "As soon as we set a date" I laughed it off. It's only been a day and everyone is on about wedding planning. "Amelia you never guess what?" Abbi slurred. "What?" I sipped my drink the cocktails burned my throat. "I shouldn't tell you this. But I cant keep more secrets from you" she giggled like a child and looked at Charly. "You going to tell her what I think you are" they both looked at each other giggling. "Owen's already set a date, he was going to tell you tomorrow" my jaw dropped and they giggled.

"What do you mean? Hes booked it already?" They nodded. I was way to drunk to even try and attempt to use my phone, which resulted in me throwing my phone back in my bag. "He booked it when he brought the ring, 3 months ago! Its the 1st September, three weeks after your birthday and three weeks before his. He is such a cutie" "so you're telling me this time next year I'll be married?" The girls nodded and we all screamed. We got weird looks from everyone in the bar. Of course, we was the loudest in here.

We started discussing wedding plans, what theme, bridesmaids etc. Of course I always dreamed of a yellow themed wedding, but I doubt Owen would go for that. We ordered champagne, what a bad idea that was. Champagne on top of cocktails. The drinks kept flowing, and luckily we havent tried to walk far, only to the toilet. I walked up to the bar to order another drink. Luckily me and Owen had a joint account so I guess drinks on Owen. I laughed to myself "hey Amelia" I turned. "Hey Emma, your face looks better" I laughed, foundation didnt do quite as good as a job for her. You couldnt hide the butterfly stitches if you tried. I defintely was too drunk for this "so does yours, power of make up hey" she laughed with me. "Want to join us?" "I'm waiting on my boyfriend, hes in the navy" I looked at her confused. "What's his name?"

"Hey hunny" the voice that joined Emma at the bar was way too familiar. But my drunken mind could not figure it out. "Hey, this is Amelia" I turned to smile at the mysterious bloke. "HARRY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I nearly stumbled. Why cant I escape this nightmare. "I'm dating Emma...." "you two know each other" I ignored Emma's comment. "You followed me to London!" My voice was harsh and irritated "no, theyve based me in London on HMS president since you ruined my career" he defintely hasnt changed. I could see the anger in his eyes "You ruined your own career! You brought a gun to my house after you broke into it" I protested. Emma's eyes widened. "You left me in the middle of the night with no trace" "that's the only way I could escape you. You ruin lives that's what you do" I was stood in front of him holding on to the bar swaying, I wouldnt still be stood here if I was sober. "Were leaving" the girls dragged me out of the bar. I probably would have gave him a matching nose to Emma.

We got home, I was ranting the whole way home. It was about 11 o'clock. The boys were still drinking too, Oliver was sat with James. I threw my shoes by the door and jumped on Owen. I greeted all the boys. The girls joined their other half too leaving James and George 7th wheeling or whatever it was. "What happened?" "You never guess what" I laughed like a psychopath which Owen looked a bit anxious about "Harry is in London and dating Emma" he nearly choked on his beer. "Dont worry about him, hes left you alone finally. Let him ruin someone elses life" he snuggled into me. I took the beer out of his hands and downed it.

"Fancy getting another one?" I threw him the most cheeky grin and shook the empty bottle. "You're lucky I love you" he pushed me off him and went into the kitchen. "You have him whipped" James laughed and made the whipping noise. "I am not whipped" Owen scowled at him. "Are too" "whipped" the other boys joined in.

"So what's this I heard about the 1st September" Owen look confused, he tried to play it down. "Of course I know. These dont keep secrets when they're drunk" I picked up Oliver and did a happy dance nearly falling all over the place, Owen tried to take Oliver off me before I injured both of us but of course that didnt work.. "I wanted to tell you. Guys save the date, 1st September next year wedding day" the lads cheered and did a toast. "Youre a mess!" Owen laughed at me. "I'm always a mess" Owen shook his head.

The night got messier as it went on. Oliver went to bed, luckily Owen wasnt drunk and carried him to bed. I was falling asleep on the sofa, occasionally getting the odd poke from the girls "wake up" "I need my bed" I stumbled towards to stairs. I really need to stop drinking. I was scooped up by Owen and carried to bed.

"Good night my beautiful mess"

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