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I packed more than a weekend bag, I had to stay at Abbis or Charlys considering I gave up my house to live down here. Im thinking stay at Charlys as Ellis isnt as close to Owen as Ben. I'm starting to regret even moving clubs never mind moving in with Owen. I dont want to loose Owen but I dont think I can stay at this club. Now I'm starting to realise what his mum meant by "Owen's been a mess with girls since Holly" I couldnt be in a team where I've got everyone's sloppy seconds.

Owen came running in the house as I dragged my suitcase down the stairs, which was definitely more of a week bag than a weekend bag. "Baby what's wrong? How did training go?" He looked nervous and scared. "Well except from you sleeping with the whole team and everyone hating me, yeah went pretty good" I mumbled the first bit, I dont think he heard but his eyes widened. "What was said?" He tried to sit me down on the couch, but I pushed his hands away from me. "I'm transferring back to loughborough, I'm going to move back up there" "why are you doing that?" I scowled at him and finished packing up some of the little stuff round the house as Owen followed me round.

Owen stopped me packing anything else and held my hands. "Baby what happened?" I tried to stay angry but I just wanted to cry, I knew Owen was too good to be true. "You've slept with nearly everyone on the squad" he made an "O" face. "Not everybody, just three" he looked proud of himself which only made my blood boil even more. "How long before he drops her, was the line I got!" He looked really disheartened, he genuinely looked hurt. "Sit down with me, we can talk through this" I nodded as he guided me to his sofa, I was fighting back the tears. I was shaking with anger.

He took a big deep breathe "what do you want to know?" I shrugged "well, once I left Holly, I became a mess. I was picking up different girls every time I went out" this made me feel sick "I then ended up partying with the saracens squad, it was an end of the season party. The girls practically threw themselves at me. But who could blame them" he laughed, trying to make light of the situation. But this was no laughing matter, I raised my eyebrows at him and his smile disappeared. "There was one girl, that kept coming back and I never made it serious but she thought it was. Then I told her straight that we wasnt serious and she didnt like it. But then still some of her team mates kept trying it, so I did. I never stopped them one bit. But they weren't a one time thing either. I was horrible i never wanted to settle down ever again" I got up to leave, hes made his point loud and clear. Owen grabbed my hand and we locked eyes, once again I was lost in them. All my anger disappeared "I never wanted to be serious with anyone until I met you. I've never been so serious about someone, not even Holly" I tensed at her name, Owen enveloped my body with his arms and my body gave way and the tears didnt stop, I'm probably snotting all over his suit.

"I still look like a fool, everyone thinks I'm like them. You'll get bored of me, fed up with me and then kick me to the sideline like everyone else was" he shook his head as he wiped the tears that wasnt on his shirt. "I'll never get bored of you. I'm in this for the long haul baby and nothing is going to change that. How can I prove it to you? I love you Amelia Rose Smith" since weve been official he never told me he loved me. Butterflies filled my body, I was defintely on cloud nine. "I love you too Owen Andrew Farrell" we shared a very passionate kiss and cuddled.

My phone started going mental - the girls were worried about me.
C- what's happened?
A-you ok?
C- how did training go?
A- if hes hurt you I will come down and rip his balls off.
C- Amelia Rose Smith you best answer me
A- Amelia I'm packing a bag right now! I'm coming to get you and tear him apart.

I chuckled at Abbis comments, she was always the fiesty one. I just text back;
I'm fine, just a bit of a misunderstanding. I wont be coming home Haha Explain tomorrow. Love you guys x

Owen was taken back by Abbis comment. "Would she really do that?" I shrugged "you've seen her on the pitch" his eyes widened. "That's a yes then" as he held his area. We both shared a laugh. "Just go back to training tomorrow, show them what your made of. You're the best player theyve got and last season proved it, you went the whole season loosing three games and you missed 5 conversions the whole season. That's better than me" he was quite shocked about the last statement.

I winked at him "Well Farrell I'll teach you the tricks of the trade"

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