Drama Llama

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Weeks went by and the snide comments seem to have died down. I still got "wow, hes actually lasting with this one" "i wonder how hell end this one" Still no one really talked to me. I started to take more of a captain role. People didnt like that either, but I was there to play rugby not make friends. I missed the girls more and more. The girls came to visit once but that's when we played them. Which of course we beat them anyway. My old fellow fly half wasnt perfect yet, still missing a few conversions.

Me and Owen drove up and surprised the girls at Ben and Ellis'. They were surprised to see us. We all catched up. The girls gave Owen a lecture about the rugby team, he was replying like a child getting a lecture off his mother "yes I know" "yes" he sounded bored which left me, Ben and Ellis laughing.

The boys left me and the girls to catch up. They questioned me about everything. "Me and Owen are good. We have Oliver more than not. Oliver keeps asking if he can have a little brother" the girls screamed "are you going to give him one?" Both girls raised their brows at me. "Not yet, I'm not finished playing rugby! So maybe one day" "So theres a chance you will?" Charly questioned me. I nodded slowly and the girls piled on me hugging me.

"What's happening here?" Ellis barged in and both the girls leaped off me. "Amelia said she will have a baby with Owen one day" Ellis rolled his eyes "you will?" Owen popped round the corner. My face went red "one day" "hopefully sooner rather than later" my face scrunched up "dont forget I would have to stop rugby for a year minimum" the girls laughed "well it be worth it" I shrugged "the 9 months of sickness, the hormones, the back pain" a wave of uncertainty came over me. Owen chuckled and left the room.

"You're going out tonight aren't you?" Charly asked. "Urm yes, how do you know?" I narrowed my eyes at her as she shared a quick glance with Abbi who diverted her eyes across the room. "Urm" they both looked nervous. "Owen mentioned it to the boys and obviously theres no secrets in this house" they both chuckled nervously. "Why dont you make me an alcoholic drink and well go upstairs and get me ready" they both nodded and ran into the kitchen. I heard mumbling, I couldnt make out what was being said. I tried to get up and get closer to the kitchen but they ran in pushing a drink in my face.

We got upstairs and all my clothes were threw over the bed. The girls were going through everything I brought. "Nope" "nope" clothes were flying across the room. I just watched every piece of my clothing being tossed like nothing. The girls sprinted out the room and I slowly followed. Abbi went into her room and Charly in hers. I stood between the two rooms watching them throw clothes around their rooms.

The girls occasionally pulled out some outfits and held them up against my body "nope" "nope" until they found the perfect dress. It was a long black dress, that fitted my body with a slit down the leg. It wasnt my usual style but it looked amazing. The girls gave me a pair of black heels that had the gladiator sandles design.

By time the girls had finished my hair and make up I was bored. I didn't want to go out now. Its took long enough to get ready. I heard Owen come up the stairs a few times and the girls passing him things from his suitcase but never let him in once. I rolled my eyes everytime. The girls had straightened my hair and did smokey eye and winged eyeliner. Topping the look off with a dark red lipstick. The last time I even looked anything like this was on mine and Owen's first date and he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Do you guys know what this date is? Has Owen told the boys" the girls stayed quiet. Charly finished painting my nails and Abbi was just touching up my hair. "That's a yes, do I have to be worried?" "Far from worried, you will love it. It's so special and thoughtful" Abbi rambled on until Charly gave her the mum look which shut her up immediately.

We made our way downstairs, Owen's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. "You are so beautiful" he kissed my forehead and lead me out to his car, which he opened the door for me as I hopped in. Owen wore a suit, without a tie leaving his top button open. We drove for 10 minutes before we arrived outside my old stadium. I missed this stadium so much, this felt like where I should be. Not london.

Great, have I dressed up for another picnic in the middle of the stadium?

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