its a mistake

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Gabe's POV

I woke up with an unknown body on my chest I look down and see gabi nude on the bed where me and nicole made love so many times
Shit what did I do

I quietly get off the bed and walked to my closet to see Nicole's favorite hoodie and her favorite vans God I missed her so much but I need her away to keep my gang going I was to distracted with her here

I hear gabi grunt in pain and I see that she was awake

"Get out!"



She ran out the door clothes in hand and crying soon I hear footsteps and I notice it's David

"What the hell dude what's wrong?"

"Nothing David don't worry about it did I wake you up?"

"No and your lucky you didn't wake up Diana either cuz she would have beaten your ass dude I've seen it happen"

I laughed at the idea of that tiny girl beating a muscular guy for waking her up

I told David that I would be down in a bit mean while I took a shower and got dressed with a white shirt dark skinny jeans and white shoes and Nicole's rosary that was a metallic black

I went down stairs to see four girls pissed to see me


"Fucking gabe you took our older sister away from us!" Said demi

"Well we are sorry gabe, David, dana,will, but we are leaving anywhere our sister goes so hopefully we will see eachother soon" said Diana

"Guys not just because Nicole is not here means you don't have a leader we can find a replacement" I suggested and David and Dana and Will step back

"What the fuck did you just say Gabriel!?" Said all the girls in Union

"Its not a bad idea I need a leader by my side to be stronger soo let's find a replacement for you guys"

The first one I thought was gonna speak but next thing I know I was being punched by demi and kicked by Diana but worst of all was alex
Shit I forgot her best friend

She stepped on my chest making it ache and I couldn't breath soon I hear the guys

"Get off of him girls that's enough!"

They all obey and just leave the house
What did I do to myself one day I'm afraid of losing nicole the other I'm the reason I lost her
Alex's POV

How could gabe say that when nicole was always at his feet doing what he said And he want to find a fucking replacement,hell no nobody is gonna replace my sister my bestfriend ever

We got out of the house mad and sad we were glad the guys stopped us because we could have killed him

We left to another warehouse nicole found for just in case we needed to escape and the guys didn't know about so in order for them not to find us we broke our phones and left to  the ware house relax when we got there we all went to the pool to chill a bit soon we were all asleep on the couch and I to followed
Nicole's POV

I woke up with cole hugging me of course its not the same as when gabe would Hug me in bed but this felt right last night we didn't do anything except the part where we kissed I realized I was still with gabe and was mad at him so I stopped before anything could happen

"Morning princess"

"Hmm princess I like it and morning my prince"

"How did you sleep?"

"Good I guess I kept thinking about gabe"

"That okay I mean you guys were together for almost eight months and guess what nic"


"Its almost Christmas and well I was wondering if we are gonna stay why don't we celebrate it together just you and me?"

"But its not that joyful why don't we invite the other but not gabe like I'll invite alex and the rest of u5 and you invite the rest of IM5?"

He was thinking about it

"Okay but first we need to find a house where we can live in and do the whole thing I mean we have two weeks before Christmas"

We agreed and well to my surprise cole was organized and had brought me clothes that gabe packed for me when I opened the suitcase there was a note from gabe and it said
By now you are far away from me and know that I will always love you and miss you but please understand. That this is also hard for me to and even though youbare mad at me please forgive me someday I will always have you in my mind nicole. Please be good and live a different life without me or gangs I know you can do it please just do it for me
                           Sincerely gabe

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