its complicated

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Nicole's POV

I walked to where u5 keeps their hostages and found cassidy crying

"God shut the hell up cassidy its annoying"

"Nicole please I beg you don't hurt me"

"I'm not gonna hurt you just wanna talk"

I walked to her and started to talk

"I'm not gonna hurt you but I am gonna tell you that if you say anything to anyone you are dead and I'll let you go"

She looked at me with belief in her eyes

"Really nicole please I promise I won't say anything to anyone about you or gabe"

"Shut up!"

I told her to get up and go but I knew her and I knew we had to move houses and space NOW.
Diana's POV

I am still in the hospital and David has been such a sweetheart he had been bringing me flowers and cards to get better

"Hey babe"

"Hey David can you pass me my phone I want to call my sister"

My sister is nicole she was so nice to me and she was coming today to come visit me

I dialed and it took three rings for her to answer

"Hey diana how did you sleep boo?"

"Good my head still hurts a bit but anyways are you still coming to visit me?" I said like a child would tell her mother

"Yeah sweetie I'm just gonna do a couple of things first ok?"

"Ok then I'll see you later nic love you sis"

"Love you too bye"

That was the end of the call and David was now talking on the phone

"Cole what the fuck you can't leave her to be with another girl"

"Ughh fine just don't hurt her too much please"

I saw he was mad, disappointed, and many other things so I tryed to calm him down

"Hey David you know I have two lips that are kinda lonely and need your company"

"Diana your talking dirty you know that right"

"Hmm I don't know why don't you come show me what talking dirty is and I'll tell you if I was"
Coles POV

I had to leave gabi but she was perfect for me but then again I put her in too much danger I mean the day we bearly got here she got shot and now she's acting crazy.

Anyways I had time to think about it

"Cole can you listen to me?"

"I am babe just thinking bout what your saying"

"As I was saying do you think nicole would think of putting me In u5?"

"Gabi are you out of your  fucking mind you already got shot and you're not even part of any gang!"

"Cole I'm not a little girl I think I know how much danger I can handle!"

I stormed out of the room it has only been a day and she was driving me nuts!

Anyways I went to Nicole's house and saw she and a really cute girl were packing

"Hey cole"

"Hey nic why you guys packing and who's she?"

"Well this is alex and we are packing because a girl was being taught a lesson and well right now she's probably in the police officer"

"Oh need any help?"

"Nah gabe might though"

I walked in to see gabe passed out on the couch

I laughed and he woke up startled

"What the fuck cole don't wake me up!"

"Nicole thinks your working your ass off when really he's sleeping his ass off"

We both laughed and then came in Nicole and alex

Nicole sat on Gabe's lap while having a mini make out session

"Ewww!" Both me and alex said at the same time we laughed and I saw alex wanted to sit on somebody's lap so I said

"You can sit on my lap if you want if you are feeling left out"

She didn't hesitate she giggled as she wrapped an arm around my neck

I smelt her perfume it was a really strong sweet smell I fell in love with

I rested my head on her shoulder and I guess she did not mind because she got comftrable on my lap

"Well me and gabe are going up stairs if you guys don't mind"

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