"No No not my children, leave them alone" yelled a women voice. It was my mum it had to be.

"Step aside silly girl" yelled a cold voice. I wanted to help her but then I was falling...

All the sudden I was falling, falling fast, I heard screaming.

I heard race of the browns.

"Phoenix, Phoenix can you hear me" asked a voice I didn't recognize.

Everything went black.

"She's waking up" said Hermione's voice.

I open my eyes to Herimone, Ron, Madam Promfey, and some other people I didn't know, were around my bed. Great the 2nd time I was know in the hospital.

I was given a piece of Chocolate.

"Are you okay" asked Hermione, she seemed worried I saw Harry next to my bed.

"Dementors that was a Dementors, wasn't it" I asked still shaken up.

Hermione nodded, Harry woke up others went by him. I took the bite of the chocolate that made me feel much better.

Hermione told me the Weasley Twins who I never talked but I knew they did many pranks.

"Thank you for catching me" I said to the twins.

"No Problem I'm Fred the one who caught you, this is my twin not as good looking as me, George" said Fred smiling at least he was.

"Nice too meet you both" I said with a smile. They went by Harry.

I tune them out the two voices I heard, the first one was my mom no doubt about, the 2nd one scared me to death I have to admit, who was he?

I got out in two days, I already finished my homework, and I went outside. I wanted to think by myself, everything was a little too much.

The dog came out, and sat by me.

"Hey you, I missed you" I said giving it a hug.

It gave me a look as if to ask what was wrong with me.

"I guess I didn't tell anyone this, last week, I was being bored, there was a spell I found in a book, about Animagus. There was a spell to show them, so I practiced with Scabbers, my friends Ron rat, and he turn into this man. He used Cruico on me, it hurt so bad, and said if I told anyone I will be killed, and he kicked me. I think he helped killed harry's parents, not Black, I'm so scared" I said, holding my knees to my chest. He was a dog so it wouldn't couldn't really. I was about to about to have panic attack holding it in.

The dog, who named snuffles, ran to the woods. I was confused, followed him a little ways in. "Hey Come Back here" I yelled.

A man came out, looked tried, he had long greasy hair and he was in jail clothes.

"You're Sirius Black' I said in a soft voice, but didn't move. Oh Merlin if I was a normal witch I would be running away ruining away now screaming but I wasn't.

He nodded," I'm not going to hurt you I don't have my wand with me, its hard to have it when your a dog" he said with a smile. That kind of made me laugh.

"What did this man look like" he asked I gave him the description.

" Peter Pettigrew, faked his death and Killed Harry's Parents" said Sirius Black. I looked a him with shock. So Peter was the man who almost killed me. He didn't know I was maybe Harry's Twin?

"Mr. Black, did Harry's Parents only have one Child" she asked.

"No they had twins, Phoenix Lily Potter, nice name, she disappeared, we couldn't find her. You know you look a bit like her" said looking at me. Sirius Black. I wanted to change that subject quickly

"Wow, so Phoenix was never found" I asked . He nodded looking quite sad.

"What's your name by the way, you're in Gryffindor right" asked Sirius Black. Which I nodded and now I had to do something.

Okay, I could, A. Tell the Truth, B. Fake Name...I do believe him but I'm not sure if I'm her.

"Kierra Marsh, I'm part of a school transfer program from America" I said. I didn't like lying but It was hard for me to trust people, I just had to pretend, I was still freaking about Peter. Oh course I only lied about my name. It was a nice name too.

"So Tell me about America" He asked, I guess he wanted to know more about it he seemed bored and hungry so I sneak so food, a blanket and water.

Nobody notice me doing that either. I was glad, I didn't want them to freak out. I went back to the common room after talking a bit to Black more.

"Nix, who attack you, was it Black" asked Harry. He looked mad and worried maybe a bit confused.

"It wasn't Black, I can't tell you Harry, but i'm sure it wasn't him, I'm tried" I said and race up the stairs, I went to bed, didn't even change or tell Alice "Hello".

I knew I had to do one think to help Sirius, even if it meant that Peter will hurt me again. I wasn't going to be afraid this time.

Phoenix EvansWhere stories live. Discover now