More Fainting and Jerks

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"Malfoy's did is such a jerk, he think he's so powerful because he's pureblood" I muttered with a sigh.

Ron said he would help Hermione and me and Harry shared a look as Hermione hugged Ron.

"Ron I'm really sorry about Scabbers" sobbed Hermione.

"Oh-well-he was old" muttered Ron as I grimaced. That rat of a man is still out there hiding waiting to back to his "Master". I shrived at that thought.

We couldn't go see Hagrid because of the measures to keep Sirius Black away.I rolled my eyes, they didn't know the full story plus didn't even give my Uncle a stupid Trial! That's not fair!

The only chance we got to talk to Hagrid was during Magical Creatures lesson.

"It's all my fault" Hagrid sobbed.

"No it's not Hagrid, its Malfoys, the ministry never gave you a chance because Malfoy could buy his way in" I said patting his arm.

"There's still appeal" said Ron fiercely." Don't give up yet, we're working on it"

We all nodded and gave Hagrid a smile. We walked up to the castle when we saw Malfoy and his friends.

They kept looking back and laughing. I glared at them.

"It's no good Ron" said Hagrid, who look like he was about.

I was still glaring at Draco and his posse when Mafloy said something.

"Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic" said Malfoy.

Well I muttered "You" Malfoy gave me a dirty look and I glared at him back.

"And he's suppose to be our teacher" exclaimed Draco.

Me, Ron and Harry were glaring at him well Hermione did the unthinkable.


Hermione, my favorite friend (wait she hit malfoy that git jerk deserve it). Malfoy almost feel to the ground in shock. The Rest of us were to shock to say anything.

"Don't you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul-you evil-"

"Mione" said Ron weakly as he tried to grab her hand. But Mione was on a roll.

Hermione took her wand out out of her bag and pointed the wand at Malfoy. He stepped back scared as can be while I tried not to laugh my head off.

Malfoy disappeared well more like running away with Crabbe and Goyle at his heels.

"That was totally awesome" I said in awe giving Hermione a Hug.

Hermione smile weekly at me then turn to Harry.

"You better beat him in the Qudditch Match" Hermione muttered and we were off to Charms.

We were late we didn't mind to be but Professor told us not to do that again. I sat down next to Neville. Today in charms it was the cheering charms after hearing about Buckbeak the Cheering Charm leaved everyone quite happy. Yes evening me, I wondered if I should cast that on my Uncle who seemed a little sad the last time I saw him.

Hermione didn't show up to class which was weird...she didn't show up for charms either something was so going on. Me, Ron and Hermione headed to the Common Room only to see Hermione was sitting at the table asleep. Her head was resting on Arithmancy book.

Hermione was stress, she need to relax or maybe drop a few classes. I gave her a worried look as Ron was talking.

We headed to Divination which to tell you the truth I wasn't excited to be in. Today it was the Crystal Ball (hehe my name is Crystal).

I looked into the Crystal ball with a bored expression on my face. Ron was laughing while I was rolling my eyes. Mione kept on tutting.

I thought I saw something, first a broom, really fast one. Then a rat, a dog that look like Sirius, then a werewolf, finally buckbeak breaking free. The to a goblet that had fire coming out of it. Then to a man who didn't exactly look like a man but was more like a doll. To Harry trapped by a stone grim reaper. Peter took a knife and cut Harry skin then took Voldemort. He was thrown by Peter into a cauldron then he became this nose-less man. My eyes went wide and I felt sick. I mean who wouldn't feel sick after they just saw that.I stood up and muttered about being sick. I was exused to go, which I did, by running, even down the stairs.

I just saw the future, and that scared me. Was the Doll like to a snake like figure the man that Harry, Ron and Hermione told me about? Will he soon have some sort of power? Could I see the future. My vision seen to be fading in and out and I was focusing on my breathing. I found my way to the hospital wing and thats when I fainted.

I woke up to see my brother aka Harry, Ron, Hermione and few others above me. They were grinning like mad, kind of scared me to tell you the truth.

"Um why are you all grinning at me its kind of scaring me" I muttered blinking.

"WE WON" Yelled Weasley twins and later were yelled at by the Nurse.

I grinned at them all "That's Brilliant".

"What happen" asked Hermione as soon as I was release, Harry and Ron were with us. It was nice outside and we were enjoying the sun before we had to go study for exams or Finals.

"If I tell you, you would believe me" I mumbled look at the Black Lake. The Giant squid I called Jeff was gliding.

They left it at that and soon Hermione went to go study, Ron and Harry went to go play Wizard Chest and I went to visit My Uncle.

"You saw what" said Alice wide eyed.

"Voldemort return, I know its stupid or whatever but I saw it through the Crystal Ball...its suppose to be rubbish but why did I see it" I asked head on the desk.

"I don't know, lets keep it between us maybe you were bored or something" said Alice trying to make me feel like I'm not going insane. I nodded and gave him a hug he had to get ready for exams also. Which I guess I should study for.

"Yeah...I can't wait to see you this summer" I said with a smile.

"Me too, are you going to stay for the summer and for forth year or are you going to stay there" asked Alice.

" I really don't know" I muttered with a sigh.

"Well I have to go study, or prank the Shadow Twins" grinned Alice.

"Prank the Shadow Twins then study, I should do that two but not prank the Weasley twins" I said with a laughed and said goodbye to Alice.

Truth be told I had a lot of thinking to do I thought with a groan.

Phoenix EvansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora