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Yeap it's happening... Here's Sneek Peak but if you want to read the Sequel its called Phoenix Evans and Goblet of Fire

Phoenix Evans woke up with a start. She was trying to catch her breath. She looked at the clock and groan. This had to be the 11th time she had this dream and it was always the same one.

In the dream Old man goes to a house, mutters something about those kids. He goes up the stairs to see a raspy voice talking to a man. Ratface appears, (why did he have to be in her dream…or was it a vision?) than a green light. Could this be the Voldemort her brother was talking about? She wondered if Harry was having the same dream..


"Nix wake up" yelled Alice, my  best friend who jumped on my bed.I groan and rubbed her eyes. I pushed my black hair out of my eyes. Alice handed me my black glasses. At last I could see again.

"Really Ali" I muttered, and then yawn. I was at Alice house for the summer. Why you may ask? We are going to the Qudditch World Cup.  We are meeting the Weasley’s and my friends there but its surprise. Only Mr. Weasley new, and we had another surprise in store but I was going to tell them letter. 

Ali grinned at me her blonde hair was in a ponytail. She laughed at my expression and got off my bed.

"Girls come on you don't want to miss the porkey" yelled out Ali's dad.

"Coming" we yelled as we heard up and got dress. I tap my want to my trunk and shrunk to about a lego sized. I love magic sometimes.  I grinned at Alice who put her trunk also shrunk thanks to Alice's dad and we were off.



Phoenix EvansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora