Into the Whomping Willow and Werewolfs

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Previously on Phoenix Evans

Then everything went crazy, really crazy.

Peter aka rat man bite Ron than ran for it. Ron and well all of us chased after the rat. Ron got the Rat, Uncle Sirius appeared as padfoot was going for Wormtail but grabbed Ron and was being dragged through the secret interesting. I took off after him, not caring it was the Whomping Willow. I slide fell, didn't mean too but I did and got up dust myself only to be hit by Harry and Hermione. I got up and we took off to find the others.

Soon as we got to Ron made sure he was okay we turned around to see Uncle Sirius now in Human form.

"You are in so much trouble" I said giving him a glare.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT, I know you were trying to get him but seriously Padfoot" I said throwing my hands up in the air.

"Sorry"he muttered, he did look kind of sorry. I still was kind of mad.

"You better be sorry" I said crossing my arms. I don't know why I did that. He was in so much trouble and that's when I remembered that Ron, Harry and Hermione where here with us. I turn around wide eyed as Ron said "He's the Dog, He's Animagus".

"Expelliarmus" I said suddenly at put all the wands in my pocket. The three glared at me, I guess they had a right too, but whatever.

"I don't want any of you to get hurt" I said.

Harry looked like he was going to kill my uncle and well his god father but Hermione and Ron stop him. I had a very bad feeling about all of this

"If you want to Kill Harry kill us too"Said Ron standing up and I face palm myself.

"Lie down, you will damage that leg even more, look I just wanted your attention, I couldn't take it anymore" said Uncle trying to speak up for himself.

"Plus only one will be murder tonight" he added. Harry thought that he meant him.


"HE didn't kill our mom and dad Harry, you don't get it" I said softly.

"What did you say' he said quietly. Oh Merlin I didn't want to tell him that one I thought with a sigh. I shouldn't blurt things out.

He gave me a look which I guess he wanted to talk about it to me after words. That was going to be a very long talk. I was kind a nervous.

Well everything went fast, I'm guess Harry was still made ran at Padfoot knocking him down the ground and chocked him.

"HARRY YOU IDOIT" I yelled at him pullying him of and standing between the two.

"No harry do you want to die, he didn't kill mom and dad" I said softly.

"what do you know" he glared at me Ron and Hermione still holding him back.

He took wand out of my hand and pointed it at Sirius "You killed my parents"

"I don't deny it" said Padfoot sadly standing up.

"Don't say that it wasn't your fault" I said sadly.

"What do you mean" asked Hermione.

"You guys don't know the whole story, its a long one but still you know what people think they know" I said fast and they looked confused.

All the sudden there was footsteps.

"WE'RE UP HERE" Hermione screamed suddenly. "WE'RE UP HERE-SIRIUS BLACK-QUICK" she added. Do I have a face that nobody listens to me?

The door open in My god father came it. I hoped he stop this madness.

He quickly snatched wands from Harry and Hermione.

"Where is he" asked my godfather to Padfoot. I think he meant Peter but not for sure. The rest of the group looked confuse besides Padfoot of course.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT" yelled Hermione we all looked at her. She looked really really really mad.

She kind of scared me. I stepped back from her.

"I DIDN'T TELL ANYONE" she yelled. What in the world was she talking about.

"Harry don't trust him he's been helping Black get into the castle, he wants you dead-he's a werewolf" she screamed. My month open in shock. I knew it was something but it didn't matter he was my godfather.

"Get away from me were" gasped Ron. I gave him a glare " There's nothing wrong with my god father Ron Weasley. So what he's a werewolf he's still my godfather he is not a monster"my fist clenched up. I gave my best glare that I guess I got from my mom which made Ron muttered sorry or something close to it.

"How long have you known" he asked Hermione. Then I remember Snape making us do that essay,

"You're really the cleverest witch in your age" said my god father in shock.

My godfather quickly explain why he was here. 1. Peter Petergrew was alive. 2. He was a rat.

I added what happen to me they looked at me in shock.

"He's dead" gasped Harry.

"He's very much alive, trust me Harry" I winced at the memory of that stupid rat attacking me.

"But" said Hermione.

My godfather explain that when his friends aka Peter, my dad, and Uncle found out that he was a werewolf they wanted to help out. So they all decided to be Animagus. That way they can be with my godfather when he transforms. My dad was a stag, my uncle a dog, and the evil git aka Rat man was a rat. They helped my godfather a lot, they went with him in the Whomping Willow which made sure he didn't hurt anyone.

Which reminded me, wasn't tonight full moon or something?

Also didn't Ron and Harry crashed into it their 2nd year or something?

I turn back to my godfather the thought soon left my mind.

He then went on to talk about why Snape hated them. Snape knew something was going up with the "Marauders" the group they were called. So he decided to go after him. Padfoot thought it was funny to Prank Snape but didn't turn out well. Snape almost died but likely my dad saved him.

"So that's why Snape hates you" said Harry.

"That's right" sneered a voice that made us all jump.

Phoenix EvansWhere stories live. Discover now