"Everything's gone," Brenda said in shock.

"Long gone." The two turned around quickly to find Wolf approaching them.

"Wolf," Brenda breathed. "Where is everyone? Is Thomas here?"

"The Right Arm is gone. They were gone before we arrived. Thomas and the others aren't here either."

"What about Jocelyn?" Frypan said. "And Graham, and-"

"We're right here." They looked to see Jocelyn, Graham, Eliza, and one other woman, who stood close to Eliza, walking toward them. Eliza smiled at the two teens. "Glad you guys are safe."

"What about the others?" Graham said. "Where are Ivy, Newt, and the others?"

"Ivy went with Gally, Erin, and Tyson to find Thomas," Brenda told them. "I haven't heard from them yet." She took a deep breath. "Isaac and Nicole didn't make it."

"What happened?" Wolf asked.

"They stole a car and caused a distraction to help us get away. WCKD shot out their tires and blew up the car."

"And James?"

"Bought me time to get to Brenda," Frypan offered. "Before he could get to the wall, he was shot down. I'm sorry."


Ivy froze in her tracks when the explosion went off. The effects were so great that glass in buildings shattered several blocks away. A massive hole was blown through the wall separating the City from the people on the outside. Beside her, the others stopped as well to watch the crumbling wall.

"We're supposed to take down WCKD," she heard Gally mutter. "Not the whole d*mn city."

"Gally, come on," Thomas said, looking at the other boy. Both Thomas and Minho were doing their best to support Newt, who was still getting worse.

The boys hurried away, leaving Gally to stare. Ivy gave Tyson a nod, telling him to follow them. As he ran away, Ivy set her hand on Gally's shoulder.

"Gally, we need to go," she said. "What Lawrence does now is on him. He's gone crazy, we both knew it would happen at some point."

"We should have seen it."

"But we didn't. There's nothing we can do now. Right now, we have one thing left to do. One last thing and then we're free forever."

Gally looked at her and nodded. With one final glance at the wall, the two took off after the others, guns still at the ready. The group ducked through the streets, keeping low so they wouldn't get spotted, but still moving at a semi-slow pace.

"Tunnels are right up ahead," Gally said. His eyes immediately fell on a group of WCKD soldiers. "Ivy."

"Sh*t," she muttered. "Stay low!" The six stopped behind a cement wall, keeping out of sight of the soldiers. "Tyson, what's going on?"

Tyson peered around the side of the cement, watching as the soldiers got into formation, their guns and shields up.

"I don't know," he admitted.

"D*mn it."

"What are they waiting for?" Minho asked, looking at them.

Before anyone could answer, an explosion went off across the street. A large group of rebels came running forward, guns already firing at the WCKD soldiers.

"Get down!" Gally said to them, practically laying himself on the ground.

Both sides were firing at one another, creating a war zone in the street. Ivy tried to make herself as small as she could to avoid being seen to hit.

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