Chapter 7: The Talk

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(A/n: Hey guys! Sorry I really suck at this whole updating on a regular basis thing. The world is pretty  insane, hope you all are staying safe. Thank you so much for everything! Hope you enjoy!!!)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:
I got home after walking Bakugo to his house and it was already almost 11 at night, as I slumped through the door Mr. Walner and Ms. Barnes looked as if they had been actively expecting me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as they smirked at me, Mr. Walner pressed his fingertips together in a jokingly menacing way, "Alright buster, I think we've been more than lenient but now it's time to fess up." He was acting like the bad cop, although it was not very convincing as it was overpowered by his sweet and goofy nature. "W-what are you tal-alking about?" I tried to act like I didn't know but to no avail. "Sweetie you don't have to tell us if you're not ready but we want you to know that you can trust us with anything, but take your time," Ms.Barnes reassured with that sweet voice of her's; she was going to be a great mother.
   I didn't know if I was ready to tell them about Bakugo, I didn't even 100% know what was going on myself. I was also scared, Mr. Walner and Ms. Barnes were hands down the nicest people I've ever met, and they had shown me nothing but the upmost tender care; but part of me couldn't shake the lump in my throat at the thought of them thinking I was a freak for possibly thinking of Bakugo as anything other than a friend. I wasn't scared of them being homophobic, I was just terrified to open up such a big part of myself and become vulnerable again. I had become so comfortable, but maybe I'm just not worthy of comfort. I was scared to have all of this stripped away, although it hadn't even been 6 months, I already felt more attached to them than I did my biological parents. Mr. Walner and Mrs. Barnes, they were my family, my home, my safety, my haven.
But I trusted them. "Um, no it's ok, I actually do want to talk to you about something I need some help with." I had trouble maintaining eye contact no matter how patient and welcoming they looked. "I have this class mate, and it's only been a couple of months so I can't know for sure, and I've never had a crush befo-" "I KNEW IT!!!" Mr.Walner cheered, fist pumping in the air, as Ms. Barnes pulled him back, lovingly motioning for me to carry on he rested his chin on the palm of his hand leaning forward, his eyes were wide and bright with intrigue. "Well um, I don't know for sure if it's a crush or if i want to date them, but I just feel different around them. Like I finally have a place in the world. I don't know how, but with them I feel-I feel this perfect balance of normal and special all at the same time." They looked at me smiling, "But there is one more thing," I rubbed the toes of my shoes together nervously, "it's ok honey, take your time" Ms. Barnes said softly. "Well, um, this classmate, he's a boy." I looked completely down. I felt the heat in my cheeks. Then I felt warmth envelope me. I looked up slightly to see both of them hugging me. I hugged back as best I could, "I'm so proud of you hun. Thank you for telling us." Ms. Barnes said in the embrace. As we separated, Mr. Walner put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, "Proud of you kiddo. That boy is lucky as hell to have a catch like you pining after him." He smiled widely and patted my head. I smiled back. "Thanks dad." I said without thinking. He gasped and smiled even wider, "are you tearing up?" I asked teasingly, "No, shut up, just have an eyelash, oh who am I kidding!? Yes I'm tearing up, thank YOU bud." He smiled brightly and wiped his eyes.
I was so excited to finally have that off my chest. I called Bakugo. "Hey Kat." "Hey" I smiled into the phone at his sleepy voice, I pathetically put my phone on my pillow next to my face and pretended as if he were laying next to me. We talked for hours about the upcoming trip for quirk training and how excited I was to go somewhere. "Hey, Bakugo, can I tell you something?" "Absolutely not." He said bluntly but I was used to his humor, I chuckled a little bit. "I think I have a crush on someone in 1-A." "Oh?" He sounded intrigued, hopeful, but I could tell he was trying to sound like he didn't care TOO much. "Who?" He asked, "that's for me to know and you to find out." I teased, he groaned in disappointment. I quickly changed the subject to pineapple on pizza, and from there we talked until we fell asleep on the phone together.

(A/n: IM SO SORRY IM THE WORST!!! Thank you for hanging in there while I took my little break. Im HELLA busy and Im kinda sad lol so I have like zero motivation also head empty. I hope you enjoyed. I have to refresh my memory on the show before continuing so please be patient with me. Sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoyed <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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