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^that is what you look like using your powers. While I took heavy inspiration from Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlett Witch from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this is not a MCU/Bnha Cross-over. With that out of the way, I sincerely hope you enjoy this new story!

3rd-person P.O.V.:
Principal Nezu had gathered the teachers to discuss the arival of a new student. "I know this may seem a little abrupt and unconventional; with us coming to the end of the school year and the school being in such a fragile state after the USJ incident and the sports festival, but we have a new student joining us." The mouse (rat?)[<haha that sounded like a Parks and Rec reference] informed pleasantly as he slid a manilla envelope towards Aizawa. "He will be coming in as part of class 1-A" Nezu continued.

Mr.Aizawa cocked up an eyebrow, an act barely visable under his bangs, "What makes this newcomer so special that he not only gets into UA highschool late, but Class 1-A of the Hero Course late?" "Well if you take a little peak in that file it may make a little more sense," the principal explained. Looking both confused and intrigued he opened the student record.

It didnt take but three seconds for Aizawa's eyes to widen slightly and breath to hitch in shock, which was a considerable amount of emotion for the chronically one-note teacher.

Present Mic looked over the black-haired teacher's shoulder at the open file, wondering what could possibly be there to elicit such a reaction from his co-worker. "(L/n)!? You're kidding, right!?" Hazashi said with a bit of rage seeping through his voice, but it was consumed by mostly shock.

Principal Nezu raised a hand to assuage the blonde teacher's outburst. "I know at first it seems... uncouth to allow the child of well known villians into a prestigious school for heros, but All-Might and I met with the young boy last week after his parents were arrested. He seems to show a lot of promise, he is extremely powerful and I feel our school will train him well on how to use his powers for good."

Toshinori smiled slightly and chimed in, "For a boy raised by such wicked people, he is a very sweet boy, I honestly don't think the kid has a malice bone in him." Yagi chuckled slightly as he remembered the recently-orphaned boy looking at him in awe and talking about how he had seen the #1 hero all over tv and confessed that he never understood why his parents didn't like him, or any hero.

"He will start his school career the same day that the kids come back from their internships with the pros. All of you, please be careful with him, while he is strong, he has been through a lot." The usually gleeful principal lowered his voice with empathy, "As investigators went through the villans hideout, it has become apparent that the kid was experimented on, and he was either born without a quirk or with a very weak one. His parents took any means possible to make him into a supreme human weapon, he is very unacclimated to society and very quiet. I can tell that he didn't have a very warm and fuzzy upbringing." Nezu spoke sadly, All-Might lowered his head remembering how the boy had flinched away when he had reached out to shake the boy's hand. He seemed to have punishment engraved in him, Toshinori couldn't imagine what those villans did to him to make him like that.
                Principal Nezu pointed to a bulky stack of papers- some crumpled, some with torn edges, others shriveled and distorted with water damage, some even had stains that everyone hoped was coffee or wine, but all knew deep down was probably blood - "These are all of the records that I have aquired thus far from the police department that they have photocopied for the investigation on the two villans. I have already read all of them on that table, so if you would like to take a look to see what those two put that poor kid through then you are free to. Let me warn you however, it is the hardest thing I've ever had to read." Nezu said grimly.

The teachers all looked at each other with wide eyes, before walking over to the stack and pulling papers out at random. Their imaginations didn't even compare to the full extent of torture written on these pages.

       'That poor kid.'

(A/n: Sorry that this was a pretty short read, but this is simply to establish your main origin and how/why/when you got into UA. This is around the end of season 2. Thank you guys so much for reading!)


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