Chapter 3: Meeting Him

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(A/n: Thank you for the support and for reading my story thus far. Here's an update for you lovelies! Enjoy!)


Bakugo's P.O.V.:
         It was the first day back from our hero internships and part of me was just glad that I didn't have to wear that STUPID ASS HAIR anymore (A/n: I know that he still had it the first day back, but roll with me here. Creative liberty and all that jazz.). I'm so glad to finally be away from that shitty Best Jeanist that NO ONE HAS EVEN HEARD OF.

          Anyway, I was glad to be back. Mr.Aizawa slumped up to the podium and began talking, "I need you all to listen very carefully, this is of upmost importance," everyone perked up in their seats despite the early hour. "We will have a new student joining us, please welcome him with open arms and do your best to make him included. I have recently learned only a fraction of what this kid has gone through and I am going to be completely vulnerable in the fact that I almost cried (a/n: sorry that was a little OOC, but whose story is this).Which all of you know is extremely rare and unorthodox for me."

           All of the students got wide-eyed and looked around frantically, I sunk back further in my chair and blankly stared at the teacher. Mr.Aizawa shot me a pointed look, "Try to be as empathetic and non-threatening as possible." I scoffed and looked out the window. There was a knock on the door, Mr. Aizawa opened it and all of the students gasped, I lazily shifted my eyes to the front of the room.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:
         I had been walking around the unreasonably large campus for ten or fifteen minutes. I finally stumbled across a giant door with a huge sign that read 1-A. How did I even miss that? With a sigh of relief I knocked on the door shyly.

          The door opened to reveal a raggedy dark man, the left side of his mouth quirked up into a small smirk that seemed foreign on his face, "Hello, I'm Mr. Aizawa, I will be your instructor, welcome." I smiled slightly back at him, "(y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you sir," I replied, only able to make eye contact in short bursts.

             He stepped to the side allowing me room to enter the class, I heard a collective gasp tense the atmosphere of the room. I stood next to Mr.Aizawa who stood at his podium, "This is the new student I was talking about, would you like to introduce yourself?" He looked over at me, I felt everyone's eyes evaluating me.

              I met the eyes of probably the only kid in the room who didn't have a hint of fear in his eyes, there was something else he was holding in those bright red eyes that made my stomach churn and my cheeks warm up, but I couldn't will myself to look away despite myself. "I'm (y/n) (l/n) and I am excited to have the chance to join you guys," I shrank slightly under all of the people staring at me, but found the red-eyed boy again and the edges of his mouth quirked up, I couldn't help but smile back.

            I whipped my head back to the teacher as his gruff voice brought me out of the 'trance' I didn't even know I was in, "you'll be sitting in the back behind Katsuki Bakugo," I nodded and looked to see the only empty seat was behind the blonde red-eyed kid I had locked eyes with. I shuffled my way to the seat and set my stuff down, focused on trying not to draw attention to myself - an impossible task when given who my parents are.

            "Today we will begin some of the final exams, but I also know that some of you are probably curious to what our new student's quirk is, so if he is willing he can show you once we get outside. Are you okay with that (l/n)?" Mr.Aizawa asked me. I nodded my head and told him it was fine.

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