Chapter 4: Practical Finals

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(A/n: WE BROKE 200 READS!!!!!! Thank you guys again for all of the support for this story. Enjoy!).

*I am not going to go through all of the student's practical finals, just mainly focus on Bakugo and Midorya vs AllMight, for obvious reasons.*

Bakugo's P.O.V.:

      We were sitting in the room watching the others suck at fighting these heroes. The fights being displayed on the many screens in the room. To be honest I didn't really care to watch but I didn't want to be anywhere else.

Also keeping (y/n) company was a plus, but it was beginning to not be. Not exactly because of anything he was doing, which was the most frustrating part. We would occasionally make eye contact, and each time my heart would start racing and my skin would feel hot underneath. AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING OR WHY!!! I can't be mad at him because it's not him doing it. Unless it is, maybe he's controlling me with his quirk again. Yeah, that must be it.


DAMMIT HIS EYES AREN'T RED. Ok so it's not him. What the hell is going on with me?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

       Those red eyes were killing me. Every time Bakugo's eyes met mine my body went out of my control. My hands felt clammy, my toes curled, my blood ran hot beneath my neck and cheeks as my heart went into overdrive to pump it faster and faster throughout my body. Bakugo was finally called into the field to take his exam with Izuku Midorya against the number one hero.

         Throughout the battle I couldn't help but flinch each time Bakugo took a hit. My mouth flew to my hand to suppress a scream as he was thrown into a building. But as he tried to get to his feet, his arms shaking, his teeth grinding, his jaw clenched - I couldn't help but stare in amazement at his determination, his persistence, his strength both physical and mental. The red in his eyes seemed to have this growing fire behind them, and I was in awe of how oriented he was on being a hero. That fluttery feeling was popping up beneath my skin again, rustling in my belly.

           As soon as the battle was deemed over I rushed to the recovery area to see Midorya and Bakugo both on separate beds, a small old woman tending to each of their wounds. I walked up to Bakugo's bed, he was pulling at the end of one of the bandages wrapped around his forearm. "Ya know, she's gonna be pissed if you end up taking that off." I whispered to him jabbing a thumb over to the lady who was hovering over Midorya. The injured blonde boy chuckled and said, "I just went up against All Might, I'm pretty sure I got this." "I don't doubt you" I said and grabbed the hand that was fiddling with the bandage, "but in your state I wouldn't push it." I smiled, my skin felt hot. Bakugo's cheeks looked pink and his jaw looked tense.

*1 hour time skip*

"Hey, um thanks for coming down here and everything," Bakugo said shyly, he looked at the clock and I followed his gaze. "Wow, time flies, huh?" He said huffing out a humored breath. If I was being honest with myself it had only felt like 10 minutes max, granted most of the time I was focused on his fingers which were still interlaced in mine.

Bakugo was too tired from the fight for Recovery Girl to heal him completely, and he was antsy to get out of here. I told her that I would keep him company until the slight debilitation of the pain killers wore off. "Yeah, guess that means you actually enjoy my company then?" I asked smirking, "I guess hypothetically speaking your company wouldn't be my last choice." I smiled back at him, "I don't know you from Adam but in your terms, I'm pretty sure you just called us friends." I looked into his eyes and smiled back, "We'll call it a trial run." I laughed, "Guess you're on then." He squeezed my hand and I felt my heart grow weak and my blood run hot.

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