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Aoba Johsai High School

"That was a great practice today ladies!" Mei cheered as the girl's team entered the club room finishing their after school practice.

It was now seven days before the Inter High preliminaries.

"I can't believe it's next week-"

"I'm getting a bit anxious..."

"I-I know-"

Putting her towel down Leila glanced over to the panicking first years.

"You guys have nothing to worry about-" Mei jumped in

"I know how you guys feel, it'll be your first official match into the big leagues..."

"But we can do it!"

"Let's get through the preliminaries and aim for nationals!"





"Leila, I don't know what else to do... to lift their spirits-"

The best friends were in the middle of locking up the club room before leaving for the night.

"Your doing great Mei-" The blonde shuffled her bag on her back pulling her long wavy hair out of her ponytail

"I just d-don't think I'm the right person for this..."

"Suzuki-senpai made a mistake choosing me as captain-"

"It should be you..." 

"But I don't want to be captain-" Leila shrugged nonchalantly

"Don't say that!!" Mei spazzed frowning looking over to her best friend

"Don't say what Mei Mei?"

The girl turned around to come face to face with Tooru and Iwa, walking their way over. They must've just finished practice too.

"Oh hey you guys..." The setter narrowed her saddened eyes to the ground

The boys looked over to the blonde in question wondering what's got the beautiful brunette so upset.

Leila sighed looking over to the two.

"Mei doesn't think she's fit to be captain, can you guys talk some sense into her?" She put a hand on her hip making Mei turn the other way in embarrassment 

Mei went to Kitigawa first alongside Tooru and Iwa, so she's known them a lot longer than Leila. That's actually how the blonde met Tooru, through Mei.

"I just don't think I have what it takes..." The brunette admitted locking her eyes on the ground

"Yes you do Miyazaki!!" Leila snapped using the girl's surname as Tooru put a hand on the blonde's shoulder making her relax.

"You're a great captain Mei Mei, don't let doubt cause you to stumble-" Tooru began as Iwa went on

"You bring out the best in people Miyazaki and that's a great quality to have-"

The brunette's cheeks tinted pink as she looked over to the ace.

"See, this is the reason you're captain and i'm not-" Leila nodded

"I get too pent up into the game while you keep everyone focused-"

"That's what a captain does, you may not realize it but your more of a captain then you think you are-" Iwaizumi said calmly

"" Tooru teased his best friend

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