Wingless Crows

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Class 3-2

"Hey Leila-" Mei walked into the room taking a seat at one of the empty desks in front of the blonde

Classes finished about an hour ago and the blonde stayed to catch up on some of her homework. After all the consecutive volleyball practices, the girl was falling behind in her studies. Thankfully today was Thursday, which was the day they usually had off.

"and... done!" Leila dropped her pencil closing her notebook before grabbing her bag

"Perfect timing Mei" The blonde smiled putting her books away

"We just finished our student council meeting so I figured you'd still be here-" The brunette responded standing up

"I don't know how you do it Mei, student council, volleyball and the advanced college classes... sounds exhausting to me" Leila sighed making Mei giggle next to her now walking down the hallway

The two girls turned around to hear shouting as three others ran past them.

"I don't want to miss it!"

"I heard Oikawa's back to playing again!!!"

"Well, you better hurry up!"


Leila knew Tooru was slightly getting better. Obviously, she was the one helping him. He was improving. Starting off with stretches, to jumps then receives. The thing about volleyball is... that you use your knees for EVERYTHING. Knee injuries are what cost players their entire career. Both knowing this, Leila and Tooru took his recovery time slow.

Now outside, the best friends neared the vending machines.

"Do the boys have a practice game today or something?" Leila questioned clicking the button as she grabbed her strawberry milk

""Yeah didn't you know? They're playing Karasuno-" Mei spoke taking out her wallet


"You mean Daichi's here?"


 Aoba Johsai Gymnasium 

"What the-"

"How the hell did he hit that?!" Both Leila and Mei spazzed, witnessing first hand Karasuno's insane new quick attack

"The ginger over there looked like he was going to puke just a few minutes ago-" Leila pointed as her eyes lingered on the unique boy

Ah yes, the first year jitters.

The girls got there just in time for the third set. She noticed Tooru doing some warm-ups around the gym.

'So they're going to put him in soon huh?'

She was worried, but knew he was ready for this.

Aoba Johsai | Karasuno

                 14- (3) -15

"Come on... when are they going to let Oikawa play..."

"He can't go in yet. if he doesn't warm up properly, he might hurt his beautiful body-"

"Oh no that would be awful!!"

Hearing the comments of the fangirls in the background, Leila twinged. 

Geez, they were annoying.

She looked down over to the Karasuno team, noticing the boy with the buzz cut.

Lovebug (Oikawa x OC)Where stories live. Discover now