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[the last chapter was chaotic] when you're hungry chicken is the best. also I'm a cottage core whore. aLSO I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BREASTFEEDING I AM NOT A MOM AND WILL PROBABLY NEVER BE ONE LMAO. 

the four men ate some Korean fried chicken and had ended up next to the rivers. "yoongi?"

"yes Jimin?" "oh i- i uhm wanted time ask if you'd like to go into the water with me?"

"sure! but I don't know if I can..? can you search up if I can? I just gave birth.."

"yeah yeah! and if you can't you can just dip your little feeties in!" Jimin smiles, yoongi blushes. "my feet aren't even small!" "okay, my little bean whatever you say." 

yoongi's blushed face catches the attention of jungkook; he thinks he looks so cute. the feeling of yoongi fitting in their tight friend-group does things to him. yet the younger still hasn't met his hyungs and maybe they'll catch up with them later on into their vacation. 

yoo hee makes small snores and softly wakes up yoo han. the little boy yawns and makes jungkook yawn. he loves them so much, his body shudders thinking about how much he loves them. he envisions them all living in a small cottage, and yoongi knocked up with more kids. with his two twins running and playing around with their small dogs and cats; all the while showing yoongi how to take care of their fluffy sheep and tiny ducks. he loves yoongi and even though he wasn't there for all of yoongi's problems he will always be there for his problems now. 

"it says i have to wait at least two weeks Jimin." yoongi looked up from his phone, and Jimin's smile looked sorta woozy seeing as yoongi can't go swimming with him. "aish it's okay! don't worry about it kitty pie!" yoongi's face flushes again.

taehyung and Jimin ended up being the only ones going into the water. although it seemed they were playing with more than pool noodles. it got cold, so yoongi took the twins inside. not long after he set them down on the most definitely comfortable hanging chair, they started crying. yoongi picked up yoo hee and yoo han when jungkook entered the cabin.

"let me help you with yoo han." jungkook swiftly walks towards the smaller male. 

"lets take them to our room, I think they're hungry."

yoongi walks first to their room, jungkook follows. "do you wanna feed yoon hee first? or do you want to feed both of them?" jungkook cradles yoo han, swaying him with his strong arms.

"well, i think ill feed yoon hee first, yoo han is pretty calm." jungkook nods and starts singing softly to yoo han. yoongi sits on the bed with yoon hee and starts to breastfeed her. 

"does that hurt?" jungkook wondered out loud. "what does what hurt? the feeding?" 

"yeah.. does it hurt at all?" jungkook looks around the room, still swaying the baby. "well.. i mean yeah it does. its like a pinch, but since they don't have their teeth yet it doesn't hurt that much yet. but its just sucking so id say it doesn't hurt that much."

"oh. i have another weird question. you don't have to answer but I'm just curious." jungkook states. "

"shoot." yoongi points at jungkook with a finger gun.

"right.. does-does it hurt to... to go to the bathroom?" jungkook's face flushes a pixie pink color.

yoongi smiles, and starts to giggle lightly. "well, I can't wipe. that hurts so bad, you don't even understand. so at the hospital, they give me this bottle that squirts up, and I have to fill it with water, to c-clean myself." yoongi laughs lightly.  (btw this is completely true.)

"damn that sounds hard. I'm sorry for asking." jungkook giggles.

"no its okay... yoon hee fell asleep, can you bring me yoo han?" yoongi slowly peels yoon hee off of his chest and lays her in the middle of the bed. 

jungkook always feels like a 13 year old boy who found out about porn whenever he looks at yoongi's uncovered chest. and he always feels bad that he sometimes calls yoongi's boobs, teats. he really just wants to suck yoongi's teats dry, but he doesn't want to mention that to yoongi.

but a man can dream.

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