chapter 3

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Audrey's POV [time skip | 11th birthday]

I have been staying at the the leaky cauldron, Tom let me be a waitress for a room, and some money. Today's my birthday and Tom gave me some extra gallons in my pay.

Tom came up to my room and handed me a letter. When I looked and seen it was my hogwarts letter I almost steamed.
I open my letter and read it.
I ran out of my room and hugged Tom and told him thank you. And ran out the door to Azkaban to tell mom.

After I flagged down the night bus. And they took me to Azkaban guard came up to me and at how many times I been here she just took me there.

When I walked in she look up at me and smiled. I almost ran to the cage and gave her the letter. She look like she might cry. So I it hug her and she ofc hugs back.
"I'm so proud of you, you made it to Hogwarts!"
"Thanks Mom."
Then the guard came in and said that the visiting hours are over,so we we had to sperate the hug.

After i left and went back to the leaky cauldron so I could start my shift.
When my shift finished Tom had brought me enough gallons to get everything I would need from diagon ally. I ran up and hugged and thanked him. After I got my room I sat the sack on the side table and laid down and went to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I couldn't think of any thing else to write. Sorry for any errors. Bye



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