chapter 2

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Audrey's POV

Its been a week since I got disowned.
I decided that I want to go see mom.
So I got on the night bus and asked them to take me to Azkaban, when they asked why I told them I was visiting someone. And they took the money and let me on.

When we got there I got of and walked the rest of the way. I got near the gate and a guard came up to me and asked,
"Why are here?" I told them "I'm here to visit bellatrix Black." "follow me." We started walking to a tunnel and when we got on the other side we were inside of Azkaban they took me to a room with a single cell. When she was about to open the door she had said that I couldn't go in with my bag so I gave ot to them.

When I walked in she looked at me and got to edge of the cell
"Who are you?" It was more of a demand then a question but oh well
"Mom its me Audrey" she look shocked to see me here and could see why, because I remember that she told father not to let me visit.
"why did you come here,its not safe.
I told your father not to let you come here." The last sentence sounded more aggravated then anything.
"I came because I missed you and father doesn't know I'm here."
"Won't he be worried?"
"No, me out..."
I said the last part barely above a whisper but I pretty she heard by look on her face.
"Why on earth would he do that?!?"
Shit, should I tell her? Will she react like father did? Oh well she would have to know sometime.
"Um..well... Because..I'm.. gay..."
She stood there for a while until she said. " that shouldn't matter your still his daughter!" At least she didn't react badly. When I looked at her, it looked like realization hit her all at once.
"Did he do anything else?" She actually talking instead of screaming.
I just nod my head.
"What did he do?"
Took of my jacket and showed her the scar that the writing let. She look shocked then angry then sad.
"Anything else?"
"..Crutaius curse..."
"What was that?"
"Um.. The crutaius curse..." I said just loud enough for her to hear it.
She. Looks. Pissed.
"WHAT!!" She srecched
She looked like she calmed down a little bit. I walked closer to the cell I got close as I could with the bars there,and hugged her as best as I could and she hugged back. After we separated she looked like she was going to cry. Then the same guard came in and said that visiting hours were over so I had to go. And I told mom that I wold be back soon.

See said they would get longer. And sorry for the terrible grammar and spelling. Thanks for reading this shit story.bye



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