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Chapter 1

Claire P.O.V

"I'm so sorry! my mom had accidentally forgotten to leave the house keys behind!" I apologized to my best friend, Emma.

I had promised to go shopping with her but somehow, I got locked in the house - all alone! Stacey & Kaylee were still in school; being the good girls they always are. Geez, why am I always the unlucky girl?

So all I had to do now was sit & wait for her to get home! Since I had nothing to do, which dosen't include homework, I just sat down beside the staircase playing with my phone till I dozed off.

~2 hours later~

"honey wake up! I'm back" mom said, shaking me.

I opened my eyes and stood up to face her, my whole body sore due to sleeping on the hard floor."What time is it mom?" I asked her rubbing my eyes.

"half pass 5 darling" mom replied. "oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry about the keys. I should have left them behind" she said, giving me an apologetic smile.

I just shrugged. "It's alright"

She nodded her head & sighed. "well Claire, I've got to prepare dinner before your dad comes home."

"Alright then" I replied "I'll be in my room if you need me" I informed her before walking upstairs.

I jumped onto my bed, loving the soft mattress against my skin & took out my phone to see an unread text from Emma.

Emma: hey!!

Me: hey! What's up?

Emma: nah.. not much. Just wondering, do you wanna meet me at the park? I've got something to tell you!!

Me: hmm.. alright! sounds great! meet u there in 15 ;)

Emma: tell ur mom not to lock u up again ;p

Me: vry funny -.-

Emma: haha, wateve. Bye

Me: bye :)

I sighed as I got up from bed, taking out a jacket & a cap to hide my messy hair, since I'm lazy to comb it, before heading downstairs.

"mom, im going-"

"yes yes I know! No way! Don't you dare t..." mom was shouting but somehow the other caller had hung up on her. Mom sighed & looked at me. "yes sweetie?"

"Um...I'm going to the park to meet Emma"

"alright, have fun and don't come home too late" mom replied then walked away to enter her room.

Who the hell was she talking too?

I walked out of the house, closing the door behind me then ran to the park which wasn't that far - walking distance. A few minutes later, I was at the gate of the park. I entered & walked a little before I heard my name & someone tapping on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Emma, grinning at me. "At last we meet, girlfriend"

"We went to school together Emma" I gave her a pointed look.

"Yeah but you didn't go shopping with me! The sale for that red pumps ends today!" She whined. "Ugh, it's such a bad thing I love you too much to buy it without you"

I rolled my eyes. "You know I wouldn't mind if you bought it. We could've just shared"

We tend to share stuffs seeing how we are both the same sizes. Which is cool.

"What did you wanna tell me?" I asked her, seating on the bench.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I did?...." then realization dawned on her "oh yesss. I did!"

I laughed. "Ok gosh. You're too funny- Ow!" I rubbed the sore spot where Emma had smacked me.

"Guess what? I just heard that Amelia & Larry have broken up! They had a big fight in school just now. At the quadrangle. Apparently, Amelia had been cheating on Larry!"

Oooh, latest gossip in school...

We continued talking till it was getting late & both of us had to leave.

We both bid each other farewell & walked off to the opposite direction. Our houses are at the opposite ends. Sucks, I know but we've dealt with it & doing just fine.

I reached my doorstep a few minutes later and opened the front door when I got the biggest shock of my life

The whole house was in a terrible mess. The pillows were all over the place, the curtains were all torn and crashed vases were on the floor. What the heck happened?! The house was also unusally quiet.

Where was dinner? not to mention the whole dining table was capzied.

Where was everyone?!

I went upstairs & entered Kaylee's room but she wasn't there which was weird seeing as it was already 7pm. She's normally home by 6.

I got a sick feeling at the pit of my stoamch.

I went over to Stacey's room & it was empty too. Just as I was about to leave, I spotted something on Stacey's bed.


Hey Heys! so how was the first chappie? Don't forget to VOTE COMMENT & SHARE!! thanks!! :D


Fearlessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें