Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Claire P.O.V

I went up to her bed & saw it was a note! How kind of Stacey to at least leave me a note! I opened it & read.

Dear Claire,

I hope you're the one reading this or I'll be in deep trouble. Anyway, I'm now going to Aunt Sara's house because mom & dad had a terrible fight (see for yourself) so mom went out of the house dragging me & Kaylee with her. I really hope you'll be able to meet us there. Just pack a few stuff for now. I left $10 in my drawer beside my bed. Good luck!

Love, Stacey

I was bewildered - who wouldn't be right? Though I've known mom & Dad had been kind of off since the past few weeks. I didn't know it was this serious.

I opened Stacey's drawer to find the $10

really there.

"Claire?" I heard dad's voice.

Oh no! I quickly hid the note under the mattress & pretended to look through a magazine Stacey left on her bed. Dad entered the room & looked at me "why are you in your sister's room?" he asked, questioningly.

I just shrugged & asked him "dad, where's mom, Stacey & Kaylee?"

He looked surprised for a second then sighed. "they aren't coming back at the moment. But that's okay sweetheart, you still have me."

I nodded & my head, but I was cursing inside. I wanted to be with my mother & sisters!

"well, its getting late so im just going to bed, see you tomorrow" dad kissed my forehead & headed out.

Phew, I would have enough time to grab some stuff and go! I wouln't want to stay with dad - alone. I would much rather be with Stacey & Kaylee. I went to my room once I heard dad safely in the toilet.

I picked out my largest bag & stuffed it with some clothes. Once my clothes were all packed, I stuffed in my other 'important' stuff & then hid my bag under my bed. I had to wait until dad is sleeping before heading out. I used my tank top & shorts under my pyjams.

~23 minutes later~

"goodnight honey" dad said as he entered my room to check on me.

I pretended I had been busy playing my phone & stuff then pretended to yawn & go to my bed. I pulled the blanket over me, making sure I din't pull it fully so that I could hide my bag. Dad said one more goodnight & then switched off the lights. I waited for a moment, & soon heard dad snoring. Brillant!

I removed my pyjams & stuffed it inside my bag. I walked carefully to Stacey's bedroom & took the $10.

Then, I crept downstairs & gently opened the door. I walked over to the bus-stop to hail a cab. Where does Aunty Sara live? I wasn't so sure since we haven't been there since forever! I took out my mobile phone & texted Stacey.

Me: hey Stacey

Stacey: OMG CLAIRE!! I'm so glad u messaged me!! Mom have been crying & asking for u! where r u now? hv u left?

Me: I just left but I don't know where Aunt Sara's staying

Stacey: Blk 249 Pasir Ris St 71. Think u can manage?

Me: yea, sure thx

Stacey: be careful! don't get lost!

Me: I wont, bye

Stacey: bye!! :D

I looked up from my phone & spotted a yellow taxi coming. I immediately stood up & waved to the taxi driver. He spotted me & stoped in front of me.

"where are you heading miss?" he asked politely.

"I'm heading to... Blk 249 Pasir Ris St 71" I replied & loaded my bag at the back & entered the taxi.

"right away" he said winking at me.

I smiled & took out my handphone. There was 1 unread message.

Stacey: I've informed mom you're coming. B safe little muffin & see u soon

Me: Ok. I'm in the taxi now :)

I looked up to see I was in some places I had never been to. Aunt Sara's house was at the other side of the estate which was pretty far.

I hardly go there anyway so I can't be bothered to memorise the place.

About half an hour later, I reached Aunt Sara's flat.

"$15 miss" the driver said turning around.

I took out the $15 from my wallet & handed it to him. Phew... it was lucky I brought my wallet along with me.

I got out from the cab & unloaded my bag before thanking the driver.

I watched it drive away, squinting till I can't see it anymore before sighing & looking around for Aunt Sara's block... which was right infront of me.

I walked up ahead till I was in her porch, & knocked on the door.

Nice garden I must say.

I breathed in a deep breath when I heard the jingling keys & muffled noises before the door opened revealing Mom, Kaylee, Stacey, Aunt Sara & Megan.

All of them immediately started talking at once.

"Claire!" Kaylee screamed, hurling herself at me.

"I knew you'd make it!" Stacey grinned, giving me a thumbs-up.

Mom was covering her mouth with her hands, whispering "Oh thank God she made it"

At least, that's what I heard.

Aunt Sara just patted my head. "You'll be sharing a room with Stacey"

Megan didn't say anything really, just made some unnecessary noises.

"Uh... hey. Can I enter now?" I asked, sheepishly.

"Of course dear. You must be tired after a uh... tough day" Aunt Sara said, bustling me in, asking Stacey to take my bag & stuff. "I've made some toast in the kitchen. Help yourself" she offered.

"Er... thanks but I'm not that hungry. Just really tired actually" I admitted.

Mom stepped out of her hazy state & perked up "go & sleep then, your body needs some rest after all this stress"

She asked me to thank Aunt Sara before pushing me upstairs to the room I'm supposed to be sleeping in.

"Goodnight honey. Have a good rest okay?"

"Ok... um mom?" I called, just as she was about to leave the room.

"Yes hun?"

"When are we going back?... I mean, we can't stay here forever. Can we?"

Mom looked clueless "uh. I'll sketch something out. Don't you worry."

I nodded my head at that.

I hope she will make the right choices.


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PS: please continue reading cause all the drama starts here !!


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