Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Claire P.O.V

Mom took in a shaky breath before replying us, "uh, I'll be back in a moment girls. Hold on a minute,"

I glanced at Stacey but she just shrugged.

"okay," I replied.

We heard mom & Jack talking in the background but we couldn't hear much though I did catch a few bits here & there.

"girls, are you all still there?" mom asked through the speaker a few minutes later.

"yeah," Stacey replied, rolling her eyes.

"uhm, okay... uh... well, me & Jack discussed..." Mom paused for a moment. "& we decided to come over to talk to your father..."

My heart skipped a beat when I heard this.

"about what?" I asked.

"what days you'll stay there & what days you'll come back here" mom replied.

Stacey's eyes immediately widened. "MOM!-"

I quickly clamped her mouth shut before shooting her a deathly glare.

"mom, give us a moment" I said through gritted teeth & passed the phone over to Kaylee before dragging Stacey to the other side of my room.

"what the hell were you thinking!?" Stacey whispered/yelled at me once we were out of hearing range.

"what do you mean what the hell is wrong with me!? it's you who's acting like this is all a game! you think by being angry at them we can solve the problem!? you think by just waving them of without an explanation is solving the problem!? it's you Stacey, what the hell is wrong with you!? you've never given anyone a chance, not even mom" I shouted back in anger.

Stacey looked at me in shock before sighing, & rubbing her temples to cool herself down.

"Ok fine," she muttered before walking back to Kaylee & taking the phone.

"Mom... please don't do this to us. We want to stay here. We don't want to be like the other kids who have to move back & forth to their parents house. I know you're not like that mom, you won't make us go through the same pain they go through. Please don't..." Stacey pleaded.

Then it hit me, Stacey acted like she didn't care. But deep down, I know she really did. She hated all this, & I guess she just felt terrible she couldn't do anything about it.

But she's been really off lately....

Probably cause she's tired & giving up? that she know now she can't do anything?

oh. I get it now.

I heard mom sigh "girls, I can't... Please stop. I've moved on okay?"

I couldn't believe my ears. So this was it? This was how it's supposed to end? Mom & dad separating?




"I'm coming over tomorrow. Inform your dad alright?"

"...okay" Kaylee mumbled since me & Stacey were to loss for words to speak. "bye"

"bye darling, I love you girls very much"

Kaylee ended the call & threw the phone back to Stacey.

"what now?" she mumbled.

Stacey sighed. "nothing! we do absolutely nothing. We've tried Kaylee. We really had. This is all a waste of time. Let's face it, mom & dad are never going back together. They moved on.... & I guess it's time we did too"

I stood stock still, feeling really shocked. I couldn't believe this is really happening.

"just like that? so what now? we live with Dionne & Jack!? Oh God! I can barely look at either of their faces" I shrieked feeling nauseous all of a sudden.

I haven't even seen any of their faces & I feel like puking my guts out already.

"stop being dramatic & be practical for once in your life Claire! can't you see? mom likes Jack & dad obviously likes Dionne. We can't do anything about it can't we? we can't force mom & dad to get back together, just for us." Stacey pointed out.

"girls, dinner's ready! come down!" dad shouted from downstairs.

I sighed. I'm not giving up so easily. Mom's coming over tomorrow, so maybe, just maybe I'll be able to talk some sense into them?

"Claire, stop zoning off. I'm serious. We'll discuss further after this. Now let's go down & eat. I'm starving" Stacey said rubbing her empty stomach.

"ew, Dionne cooked the food. What if some of her germs are in there?" I asked, wrinkling my nose.

Stacey gave me a WTH look "get your butt down here this instance"

Great, here I was bring serious about something & she thinks I'm nuts.

I just rolled my eyes at her & jumped of my bed before walking of.


sorry for the late update ): I was trying to gain back my readers but it's been, I don't know 2 weeks since I last updated?!? Plus it's the school holidays now so I shouldn't waste the opportunity!! I'm really sorry to those who's been waiting for an update.

Plus it's not really that long

Anyway, I need some votes, who wants Claire's mom & dad to get back together? or you think it's better that they stay with who they're currently with?? leave your comments down below!!

also, don't forget to VOTE // COMMENT // SHARE

love you guys loads ♥


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