Part Fifteen: The Start Of Something

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"Hey." Angel uttered awkwardly, having no clue to what he was supposed to say. He was kind of hoping he wasn't about to get kicked out, he wasn't sure that his tender heart could take the rejection. He would probably have a serious relapse and O.D somewhere or worse end up back at the studios moe broken than ever.

"Hey.." Came Husk's hoarse response the smell of stale booze coming from his breath but it didn't bother the slim spider demon. He merely let go of the breath he had been holding and sagged his shoulders in relief, something that wasn't missed by the taller cat he was lying on. "You ok?"

"Yeh. Fine. Thought you were gonna kick me out for a second." Angel admitted with a slight smile.

"So you can throw yourself out my window again? I'll pass." Husk grunted before trying to sit up only to realise that he couldn't do that without the other demon moving first. "But you can get off my wing, I need to take a slash."

"Oh. Shit. Sorry." Angel scrambled back down the bed letting Husk finally move his wing, get up from the bed and lumber to the bathroom. He glanced at the slightly ajar door and able to hear everything the tall demon cat was doing in the bathroom. "So..... What happens now?"

"With what?" Husk's voice came from the bathroom as the tap could be heard along with the sound of washing, tooth brushing and the gargle of mouthwash.

"With this, with us... Can't say I've ever done this before." Angel added looking around the room trying to ignore the slight hangover he had forming in the back of his head. He spotted his blazer hanging on the one chair in the room along with his fedora, tie.

"Wait, you've never woken up with someone else before.." Husk raised his brows in surprise as he came back into the room and slumped back down on the bed.

"Ah heh, no... N-never.. It was nice though, best sleep I ever had.." The pale-pink furred spider cringed feeling somewhat embarrassed and timid like he was a bashful virgin all over again.

"Oh. Then your welcome.." Husk responded brushing off the awkward moment and adding, "Listen, this doesn't change anything while we're in the bar. That's my place of work so I gotta come off as some-what professional.. But we can spend some time outside of then if that's what you want.." He flashed a very brief smile to the spider and this made Angel grin back.

"I would like that a lot." He replied with a sharp-toothed grin that showed off his one gold tooth. He then blinked before adding, "Hey wait, what time is it? I should go, I have a health check at some point this afternoon.." Angel quickly pulled on his shoes and blazer the grabbed his hat and tie.

"Health check?" Husk queried looking confused.

"Yeh, it's somethin' I gotta do every few months. Y'know make sure I'm still clean and not carrying any S.T.I's. Last thing I need is medical bills for that, my persona's rep would be shot. I'll stop in by the bar after and let ya know how it went, kay? Later schnookums." He kissed Husk on his small heart-shaped black nose and headed for the door with a smile.

"Don't fucking start calling me that!" The tall demon cat glared back snarling in fury watching the smaller spider demon leave his room with a playful wave..


"Hey..." The sound of Angel's voice made Husk look up from his single player card game to the the spider demon grinning as he leaned over the bar-top. He was back in his regular pink striped suit with his fluffy chest fur back into its 'bust' and elbow length gloves.

"Dare I fucking ask.." The grey furred cat demon with white furred face chest and upper arms drawled leaning back away from the bar in an attempt to put space between them.

"I'm clean as a whistle, check it and see.." Angel responded with a bright smirk as he pulled out a yellow sheet of paper from his 'bust' and slapped it down on the bar top so Husk could read it.

"Good for you." The bartender continued in the same jaded tone not bothering to look at the sheet.

"Actually it's good for us if you think about it.." Angel responded with a smile settling himself down into the seat opposite Husk. The bartender pulled back into an upright position, slammed the cards he was holding onto the serving counter below the bar top and leaned over with a scowl.

"We agreed that we weren't going to do this during my work hours.." The demon cat hissed out in an irritated hushed voice.

"Ah, c'mon.. Look around, will ya babe. There's no-one here. Who the fuck's gonna hear us?" The spider demon looking unconcerned and scanning the empty bar then picked up the results sheet on his health check and stuffed it back into his 'bust'.

"You never know where Alastor is.. and I would rather not let Niffty find out if we can help it." Husk replied as he scooped all the cards together into a deck and shuffled them.

"Niffty? What in hell is she gonna do? Tell everyone?" Angel chuckled in amusement.

"Worse. She'll write fanfiction about us and probably post it everywhere. I don't need that shit happening again!" The bartender scowled looking ticked off.

"Pfft.. That's nothin' new t'me. There's this whole site dedicated to writing that shit about me. Some of its real filthy too. Ya should read some of it.." The pale pink furred spider demon drawled but his expression softened into a little discomfort as Anthony seemed to slip through the persona. "Then again, I don't know how much of that shit I'm actually willing t'do with you.. I-I mean, doin' that stuff as Angel is one thing. That's fantasy but that doesn't mean I actually like it, I got my red lines.."

"You don't have to think about it right now.. Here." Husk pushed a whiskey mixer towards the spider on the other side of the bar, privately thinking that since they had barely started out they were far from ready to have this talk. "You wanna friendly game of poker? No stakes and I'll let you pick your game.." He added as he went back to shuffling the cards in between his long fingers choosing to divert the subject entirely.

"Yeh, I'd like that, thanks."

Game On!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant