Chapter 4: Lumiose*

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I was in my apartment with a girl... I never expected myself to end up like this, especially since she's almost unconscious!

"S-Serena..?" I gently sat her on my bed, seeing that she was sitting up on her own. That's good. She wiped her eyes with her arm, but couldn't open them still "Hold on" I went to the kitchen to wet a rag and hand it to her. She took it and cleaned her face from the sand and finally was able to open her eyes again

"What a relief!" She whined and looked up at me "Thank you!" I sighed, relieved she was okay, but this isn't right... she shouldn't be here.

"No problem..." she looked at the rag and licked her lips "Want some water?" She smiled and slowly nodded.

"Yes please. I have a mild case of heat exhaustion. It's not fun" I nodded and gave her what she needed. She gulped everything down and sighed quite loudly "That's so good!!" She chuckled and smiled at me "thank you!" I nodded and sat beside her as she looked around my place with my Pokémon watching her and her Pokémon by her leg "Is this your place?"

"Yeah... I saw you coming out the badlands and you were being followed" I admit. She gasped

"And you saved me? My hero!" She put her hands together delighted. I looked down, feeling weird about this "Calem?"

"Are you okay now?" I squeezed on my knees, shaking a bit "If you are, you can leave now" I felt her frown.

"Are you that desperate to get rid of me...? After showing how much I want to get to know you?"

"There's no point in getting to know me. I am a bad guy in a organization that wants to kill you, Serena. I'm not a hero. What I did was for my own personal gain-" I cupped my mouth, not expecting to say that. My personal gain..? I-I saved her for my own personal gain..? "Y-You should leave now if you're okay... I mean" I rubbed my face, in panic that I said that "I-I didn't mean-" she took my hand, shocking me that she leaned close to my face.

"What did you gain from saving me?" I bit my lips and looked down, not knowing what to say "I thought we weren't friends..."

"W-we're not-"

"Yet you are part of an organization that thinks of no one but themselves... yet you saved me for your personal gain. Do I owe you?" I cupped my mouth, not meaning to make it sound like I wanted her to owe me!

"W-Wait! That's not what I mean!" I panicked, confusing her "I didn't mean it like that!"

"What did you mean it by?" she held a firm grip of my hand "what you did wasn't a selfish act, was it?" She frowned at me and stood up, looking around "mind if I take a shower?" I blinked confused

"Sure..." I pointed at my bathroom door. She nodded and took her bag with her before starting the water. I sat there stunned, not knowing what was going on.

"Why did I say that..?" I cupped my mouth, leaning on my knees, confused out of my mind "Why did I say that?" I asked my Pokémon staring at me. They all looked at each other before leaving the room "huh..? Hey! Where are you going?" Am I missing something?

I looked back at the bathroom door and saw Serena's Ralts staring at me "oh, did you get locked out?" It shook its head and teleported to stand in front of me. I stared at it watching me before holding out its hand to me. Confused, I used my finger to touch it and was flashed with sudden visions in my head of Serena staring at the moon with tears in her eyes

I moved away after seeing the last vision of Serena as a kid with shorter hair, crying while holding her hands out in my point of view. I didn't know what I saw, but it felt important

"What was that-" the bathroom door opened, letting out Serena in a large T-shirt with some shorts and fuzzy socks. I blushed and sat firmly on my bed, watching her towel dry her hair with a towel and walk to the open window to look at the Prism Tower

"You have a great view from here" she said

"Not really... I live in the back alleys of Lumiose. It's a better view, I guess" she took out her Pokénav to look at before hurrying to look out the window again. I got up to see what she was looking at and in seconds watched the prism tower light up! When that happened, my lights came on and my AC started running

"Oh Arceus!" I gasped, running to my air conditioner to see if it was in a good setting "it's been months without electricity"

"My friend Shauna told me that the tower was going to light up soon. She was going to invite me to watch it up close, but it was hard enough walking" she smiled at me as I closed the window now that that AC is working.

"Since you're well enough now, you can still catch up with your friend" I said. She sighed and rubbed her arm "what's wrong?"

"What you said earlier..." I gulped and looked down "I'm sorry... I've been pushing you from the beginning to become friends" she hid her lips with her finger, looking away "I'm sure I've been annoying" I didn't say anything, not wanting to respond to that "I don't know... I just wanted to find a way to get you on my side and realize that being part of those selfish people is wrong, but you've been nice to me... if personal gain was the reason why you saved me..." she slowly walked towards me. I was frozen on the spot, not knowing what to do. Her shining blue eyes were still red around them, but they held desperation the closer they came to me. I flinched when her hand held onto my chest

"S-Serena... what are you doing..?" I gulped, looking away so I don't see her eyes "Why are you doing this? What I said was a mistake. I didn't mean to say that" she rested her head on my shoulder. I couldn't deny her. I just stayed in place, shaking and wanting to hold her

"Maybe... but I'm desperate" I flinched when she leaned away to look at me, showing me tears falling from her face "I'm sorry... Calem" she held my shoulders "I'm sorry I've been bothering you... I'll make it up to you" before I could protest, her lips press onto mine. I widened my eyes as her eyes closed, letting more tears fall. Why is she crying..? Serena...

At the moment, I couldn't deny her any longer. I slowly wrapped my arms around her to bring her closer as her arms wrapped around my neck, holding me close for our kiss to connect smoothly and gently. Every so often, I'd open my eyes to figure out what was going on, but tears continued to fall from her closed eyes.

My body moved on its own and pulled her in to sit on the bed with me. We didn't break the kiss. She sat beside me, holding my shirt tightly and shaking. When I tried questioning it, she'd bring me back to continue the kiss

At this point, no one was in the room. Not even Ralts. The lights had turned off at the same time it disappeared, but the room was still lit from the candles around us

"Serena..." I managed to say when she placed her head on my shoulder again, shaking again "Why are you doing this..? You don't have to..."

"I'm sorry... Calem" I frowned when she started sobbing. The girl with the big smile and jolly laugh and even somewhat cocky behavior was crying on my shoulder, desperate for something. Why did she want my attention so much..?

"It's okay..." I ended up hugging her "It's okay..." she leaned back to kiss me again, and this time, I leaned in with her and continued the kiss until we ended up in bed together. I didn't know what happened, but something had to be done. She wouldn't accept me trying to stop this, and my hands couldn't let her go. I never thought I needed anyone more... but I wanted her to stay with me. I wanted her so bad, and I didn't realize that's what I wanted. She thought I saved her for personal gain, but this wasn't it. Her body wasn't what I wanted... I just wanted her.

I woke up the next morning without her in my room. She and her Pokémon were nowhere to be found, and I expected that to happen after she kept apologizing for bothering me. She wasn't bothering me... I didn't realize it at the time, but each time I saw her, which wasn't even a lot, I'd become happy to see her smile and glittering eyes seeing me

"I didn't know her for that long... the last time was a few months ago" I rubbed my face, shirtless and still in bed. I looked at my hands, remembering her holding me tightly and begging me to keep her close, like if I let go, she'd fall "What was the connection that was so deep that I ended up falling for her at first sight?" Absol jumped on my bed and laid down as I sat up "I guess I shouldn't think about that anymore. I don't know when will be the next time I'll see her, but I better get back to work" imagining the world being wiped out with her in it... I almost lost my breath "dammit..."

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