Chapter 2: Route 10*

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I was scolded by my team admin for losing my glasses while on the job a few weeks back, but thankfully I got myself a new pair. If I didn't end up freaking about that girl grabbing me like that, I would had been able to take my glasses back and control my pants. I really hope I don't run into her again. She was too much to handle and I don't think I have the energy to deal with her again.

"I'll be grateful if she doesn't take my glasses if I do see her again" I groaned, walking around route 10 "these are expensive... I can barely afford ramen" my teammates were on break after scavenging the area for awhile, so I took the liberty of sitting by a tree and stare at the large rocks that are actually gravestones, surrounding me.

These gravestones were set here after the Pokémon war had finished. These Pokémon fought in the war, and now Rest In Peace, but I overheard that these stones are going to be used for something. Because I was too far away to hear what they plan on doing with them, even if I'm sort of part of the higher ups, I just sat back and took in the fresh air while the time ticks every second I'm on my lunch break.

I am a Team Flare member, and I spent months, after my parents died, alone. I was founded by our leader, and I can never say I regret my decision. I'll give anything to be part of a world where ugly people can't ruin others lives any further. My parents died through a selfish act, and I can't wait to avenge them.

Fennekin rested on my lap, softly wagging its tail in relaxation, feeling good under the shade I chose away from the hot summer sun. It's almost so relaxing that I could fall asleep, and I was almost about to until Fennekin flinched from something around us.

I got up from my spot and traveled to see if there would be anyone out there that could disturb my teammates at work, and just like back in Glittering Cave, it was the same girl who came at the time when we're in the middle of working.

"Seriously?" I sighed, watching her staring at a Pokéball on the ground shaking for a moment before it stopped from a final capture. She caught a Pokémon and cheered when succeeding.

I know I'm in the middle of my lunch, but if there was anyone around these parts, it's my job to keep them away from our job site.

"Yes! We caught a new friend!" The girl, I think her name was Serena, cheered with her Froakie.

Out of all the people I run into, why did it have to be the girl that's so weird that she ended up beating me in battle and making me feel weird on the inside? Who is she?

"I always wanted a Eevee! Yay!" She jumped up and down for a moment before noticing that her Froakie was staring at me since I saw them. She turned to see me and watch me for a moment before gasping in joy. As she turned, I saw that she was wearing my red glasses!

"Oh!" She smiled big "It's pretty eyes!" My face felt more hot than it already was when she said that "It's nice to see you again!" She jogged towards me as I moved away from the bushes I was behind, to face her "I see you got yourself a new set of glasses!" She took off the ones she had on her head "I swear I didn't mean to take these from you! You can have them back" I waved my hand.

"I already have a pair. Just keep them" she smiled like I gifted them to her or something.

"Really?! Thanks!" She put them on and posed "They kinda growing on me!" I chuckled a little, but not enough for her to notice. She's a strange one "I see you still have that tacky uniform. What's the deal, man? You really part of the nasty group who only care about themselves?"

"I beg to differ. What we do is strictly our business. I came here to tell you to leave. We're in the middle of working" she tapped her chin.

"Working? But I just defeated a few grunts awhile back" I flinched "They all dashed off. I was going to chase them before I saw this adorable Eevee! I couldn't resist!" She giggled and hugged the Pokéball in her hands "You seem to be the last grunt for me to battle" I dug in my pocket to take out a new Pokéball with a Pokémon I caught a few days back "but I'm too tired out" she shrugged. Huh? "Hey, Geosenge Town isn't too far from here! Want a bite to eat?" I backed off, not expecting that.

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