Another Chapter

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I am going to re-write this, but I was looking at all the comments and I started to feel bad for just stopping. So, I'm going to finish this or at least leave off on one of those endings where it's up to the reader to interpret what happened. Sorry to the people who wanted it to be rewritten, I will get to it eventually. Now, on with the story.

Juuzou's POV

I was bored. Bored bored bored bored bored. Without a quirk, there wasn't really anything for me to train. Mr. Arima was still doing his combat classes, Haise was spending most of his time in some library or another looking up different quirks that might have been the cause of our appearance here, and Hide had to take over most of Haise's after-school classes. So, I did the most logical thing there was. (At least to Juuzou). Wander around! Though annoying Explody-Guy came in close second.

I got up from where I was observing my classmates try to develop their ultimate moves and started off in a random direction, humming some tune from a song I can't remember the name of. As I was leaving, Mr. Aizawa blocked me.

"And just where are you heading off to Mr. Suzuya?" he asked me.

"I'm just going to find Haise and help him with his searching." I told him, trying to act innocent.

He seemed skeptical, especially because I hate reading long and boring books, but before he could question me, he noticed Mr. Broccoli was in need of help. He gave me one last suspicious look before walking over to help the vegetable-looking guy. If course I wasn't going to let this go to waste. The moment he looked away, I ran off in some direction.

It wasn't long before I found myself in a forest. (I can't remember if there's actually a forest near the school, as I haven't seen bnha in awhile. If there isn't, for the sake of the story, let's just say there is.)

"Ooooh, this looks interesting!" I said, hopping off into the forest.

3rd Person POV

Juuzou wandered around for a good 20 minutes before he grew bored once again.

"Hmmmm. There's nothing here but trees," he grumbled.

Then he slowed his pace to a walk and did something he doesn't do very often. He started to think about something seriously. Juuzou loves to play around, so when he starts thinking about something seriously, then it's usually a very important matter.

He started to think about the differences between his world and this one. In this world, people were either a hero, a villian, or a civilian. However, in his own world, there wasn't just ghoul, CCG, and civilian. Other than ghouls being around, everyone went about their daily lives. Everyone had a role to play, a job to do. Even the ghouls got their own jobs, and with peace between the ghouls and humans, almost all the ghouls were a part of society. Here, the world was, what was it called again? Oh yeah! It's separated into black and white.

If the ghouls had lived in this world, they would be considered the villains. But they ate people because they had to, not because they wanted to. In this world, villains aren't forced to rob banks and murder people. And these heroes wouldn't be considered heroes if there weren't any villains. The heroes only save civilians from villains or a situation caused by villains. If there weren't any villains, there are hardly enough natural disasters around to need this many heroes.

When he acts childish, it's easy to forget that he's actually 29 years old. At some point while thinking about all this, Juuzou had stopped walking. He only snapped out of his thoughts when he heard some of the teachers calling for him.

"Whoops, looks like I lost track of time! Better hurry back."

Just as Juuzou was about to turn and leave, he felt a pair of eyes on him. Momentarily forgetting the teachers, he scanned the area. When he noticed  a shadow hiding behind one of the trees, Juuzou did what Juuzous normally do. He walked up to it. When the shadow fled behind another tree, he gave chase. He chased the shadow around, running deeper and deeper into the forest, giggling like a child playing hide and seek.

As he chased the shadow deeper and deeper into the forest, the branches and leaves overhead became thicker, blocking out most of the sunlight. Just as he was about to enter a part of the forest with almost no light, he heard the teachers again, this time they sounded slightly panicked.

"Aw man, just as things were getting fun. Oh well, if Mr. Aizawa drags Haise into this he'll probably be mad. A mad Haise is never a snack-giving Haise. I'll catch you next time Mr. Shadow thingy!"

And with that, Juuzou spun on his heel and left. On his way back, he started to think about the shadow and the things he was thinking about earlier.

I wonder what that thing was? Mr. Arima would probably want to know about it. Well whatever. Hhhmmm. I think I'll just leave all the confusing stuff to Haise. I don't feel like worrying about it.

??? POV

Tch. I'll have to try again soon. We're almost out of time. If they can't fix it before time's up, we're all doomed.

Hello everyone! I really have no excuse for this. Let me make this clear though: I do still plan on re-writing/making a better version of this book, however I will complete this first. Oh yeah! When I re-write this book, I will be using Option B. Thanks for reading, and remember to comment and vote if you enjoyed it.

Also before I forget: when I was looking through the comments, I noticed that DJyoung0 asked for Ayato to be included into this. I'll try to find a way to incorporate him, so expect to see Ayato in the future. Again, thanks for reading and I hope you like the chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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