Becoming a Teacher

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Arima's POV

This is my first day teaching in a professional school. I'm not so worried about that, and more about if Juuzou behaving correctly. I was preparing for the start of my class when I heard shouts and screams coming from the training ground Juuzou's class was going to be. And I immediately knew the cause of it. Juuzou.

I raced out to the field and saw utter chaos. Juuzou was going at a boy with spiky blond hair that has small explosions coming from his hands. The same boy he was fighting yesterday. The other students in the class were trying to hold him back, but with him waving his knives around like crazy, it was kind of difficult to. The teacher was using his scarf to try and restrain Juuzou, but every time it came near him, he cut it to pieces.

"Juuzou!" I ran over and swiftly punched him in the gut, not enough to make him lose consciousness, but enough to get him to stop fighting. I looked into his eyes and noticed his pupils were small, meaning he was serious. "Why would you attack your classmate like that? I told you to behave."

I could hear as his heartbeat and breathing started to slow and his pupils dilated back to normal.

"He insulted Mama," he said simply.

I knew what he was talking about, because even though Big Madam was cruel and sadistic, she was the only parent he knew other than Investigator Shinohara, and he loved her like a parent.

"How about you take a break Mr. Suzuya. You can go back to your dorm room until your next class," I suggested.

"Okay!" Suddenly Juuzou didn't seem so down anymore at the invitation to skip class.

I sighed and went to return to my class when I noticed that the students were gaping at me. "Is there something wrong?" I asked them politely.

"You j-j-j-just punched h-him!!" the boy with green hair that Juuzou called Mr. Broccoli but I knew it wasn't his real name, exclaimed.

"Yes. Is there something wrong with that? There will be much more of that in your near future, remember? That is the way I teach things. You will not know anything unless you experience it. Many soldiers have died in battle because they haven't had any experience on a real battlefield. Understood?"

The students had no idea what I was talking about when I said soldiers, as they've only heard about heroes growing up, but they nodded anyway.

"Now, will someone explain to me why there was a fight? Mr. Suzuya said someone had insulted his Mama. That is a...difficult subject to say the least. The only thing I can tell you without invading his privacy is that not everyone has a perfect family. For some people, it's....worse than others."

I saw a boy with half red and half white hair and a scar covering the left half of his face nodding.

"So, please try not to pry into Mr. Suzuya's past anymore. He will speak if he feels like it, but he is in no way obliged to. That is all."

I turned around and bowed to Mr. Aizawa. "I'm sorry for interrupting your class."

"Well, let's get on with the class. Oh, and before you go, do you know any of Mr. Suzuya's highest scores in a long distance run, sit ups, or seated toe touches?"

"We had them tested at the Investigator Academy, but most of the time Juuzou was late, sleeping, or didn't show up at all."

"That's a pain." Mr. Aizawa grumbled.
"Oh well, nothing we can do about it. Let's just get on with class."

I returned to my room and checked my schedule. I had a class with Class 1-B. Juuzou's class I had tomorrow. This is going to be fun. I sighed and started warming up.

Midoriya's POV

How did Juuzou do that?! He ran out of knives in the ball throw, but suddenly his leg was opened up and he had knives again. Though he did say he had a fake leg and it was good for surprise attacks... but wow, Mr. Arima is so cool. I had taken notes down the entire time he talked. I wonder what happened to Juuzou in the past though. He said he killed his Mama, but he got so defensive of her. It's none of my business though, and like Mr. Arima said, I shouldn't pry.

"All right, moving on. We still have to finish our training. I don't care if Mr. Suzuya isn't here, I'll just have to test him another time."

I sweat dropped at Mr. Aizawa's uncaring behavior. Let's get this over with. I trudged over and got ready for the long distance run.

Get ready...get set...GO!!


I'm exhausted. We just finished all our training exercises, and I see that everyone's scores have improved, including mine. We have 10 minutes to catch our breath before our next class starts. I see Juuzou wandering around. Knowing his personality, he probably got bored of sitting in his dorm room pretty quickly.

"Hey, Juuzou, are you ok now?!" I called out to him.

He turned around, saw me, and waved. "I'm ok, thanks for asking Mr. Broccoli. Say, do you know anything fun I can do around here?"

"We only have 6 minutes till our next class though. Are you sure you want to start something now?"

"Next class is history, so I'm going to take a nap."

"Are you sure? You're new to this place, so shouldn't you learn about it's history?"

Juuzou was about to reply when there was another explosion like the one he was found in. In a flash, he had started running towards the scene.

"Juuzou wait! It could be an attack!" I yelled, chasing after him.

I arrived next to him and saw he was waiting for the dust to clear. After a minute, the dust cleared enough to see what the cause was.

Juuzou gasped and yelled,"HAISE!!"

And that's the end of chapter 3. Thank you Crazychameleo for commenting, so according to your request, I'll include Kaneki and Hide. Please comment and vote if you like the story or want to request a character from TG be included. Thanks!

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