Finding out

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Mikes POV
I woke up and headed downstairs to see I had mail. I looked at it and saw 'Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory' I was very confused... the only time I get mail from there is from Libby but she usually only says her name. I opened the letter and read it.

Dear Mumbler
You have been invited to a reunion with Myself, Libby and Charlie. We hope you can make it, it will be held on the 8th of July which is about 2 weeks time. Let us know if you can make it.
From Willy Wonka

How original... MUMBLER ? Is he serious !? It's been 10 years and he is still calling me that. Me and Libby have kept in contact and it's been nice, I haven't seen her in a while so it will be good to see her again. Luckily what happened to me was only temporary and I look normal now. I write back telling them I'll be able to make it and post it. I can't wait to finally see Libby again.

Libby's POV
I was sat down in the inventing room with Charlie when Mr Wonka comes in holding 4 letters looking awfully cheerful.
Willy: "they've all replied !!" I got excited and ran over to Mr Wonka and snatched the letters out of his arms. "Someone's excited" he said while laughing. I ran back to the table and opened the letters. Violet said yes, Veruca said yes, Augustus said yes and Mike said yes !!
Libby: "they all said yes !! This is going to be so exciting !!" I ran over to Mr Wonka and hugged him. He tensed a little but then relaxed. "Thank you so much for agreeing !!" I let go of him and took the letters and left the inventing room. I can't wait to see Mike again... to be honest I only wanted there to be a reunion so I could see Mike again. I feel like he is the only person that cares about me, of course I have Charlie but I just don't think he loves me as much as I love him... I go to my room and put the letters in my drawer and leave my room again. I make my way to the inventing room and go in there but I don't see Charlie anywhere only Mr Wonka.
Libby: "wheres Charlie ?"
Willy: "the chocolate room" I nod and go to the chocolate tree room. I walk in and see Charlie sat on a chocolate bench. I run over to him and sit next to him.
Libby: "are you ok ?"
Charlie: "yeah...I'm fine"
Libby: "no your not...don't lie to me"
Charlie: " I'm not ok"
Libby: "why not ?"
Charlie: "I'm anxious Libby... I'm scared, you and Mike were so close 10 years ago... what if he tries something to get you to like him? What if you end up liking him more than you like me ? What if you leave me... for him ?"
Libby: "he wouldn't do that... he knows that me and you are together..."
Charlie: "how...?"
Libby: "it doesn't matter... just know that I fell in love with you for a reason..." Charlie smiled and hugged me, I smiled to myself. He pulled away and put his lips to mine. It was soft... it wasn't rough, it was full of love and passion. Moments like these make me realise that I'm so lucky to have him in my life, I just hope this never changes...

Dancing On Broken Glass || Charlie Bucket Fanfiction (Sequel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें