Libbys "wonderful" idea

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Libby's POV
It's been 10 years since me and Charlie have moved into the chocolate factory. I've kept in contact with Mike because I bumped into him a few days after the 'incident' that occurred 10 years ago. I'm now 23 and my life has been great...but it would be even better if Charlie stopped working for a few hours and actually came to bed instead of staying up till stupid o'clock trying to perfect Candy with Mr Wonka. I feel like Mike has been there for me when Charlie hasn't and I haven't even seen mike in person for 10 years... I HAVE AN IDEA. I ran to the inventing room and sat down in front of Charlie and Mr Wonka smiling widely. Charlie and Mr Wonka look up at me.
Charlie: "are you okay?"
Libby: "yeah, I just had an amazing idea !!"
Willy: "does it have anything to do with perfecting this candy ?"
Libby: " but-"
Willy: "then we don't want to hear it" he looks back down at his notepad and I frown.
Libby: "please listen..."
Charlie: "we are really busy at the moment..." he puts his head down to help Mr Wonka. Thats when I snapped, Ive had enough.
Libby: "YOU'RE ALWAYS BLOODY BUSY !! YOU NEVER HAVE ANY TIME FOR ME ANYMORE !! YOU JUST SIT IN HERE WASTING ALL YOUR TIME FOR WHAT ?! TO PERFECT A SINGLE PEICE OF CANDY !!" I could feel my face heat up from the rage coming from my body. Mr Wonka looked at me in shock. I've changed a lot in ten years, I'm not the same girl I was 10 years ago. I'm not kind to everyone anymore, I don't care who you are but if you do something to me I'm gonna say something about it. "YOU BOTH TREAT ME LIKE IM NOTHING !! TO YOU MR WONKA IM JUST A SILLY GIRL WHO DOESNT KNOW HOW TO MAKE CANDY WHEN IN REALITY I CAN BUT YOU JUST REFUSE TO SEE IT BECAUSE CHARLIE IS JUST SOOOOO AMAZING!!" I said the last part sarcastically.
Willy: "that is not true and everyone knows it..."
Libby: "YES IT IS !! THIS JOB IS EVERYTHING IVE EVER DREAMED OF AND YOU ACT LIKE IM NOT EVEN HERE !!" Mr Wonka stay silent. "AND YOU CHARLIE !!" He snaps his head up. "YOU ARE MY BOYFRIEND BUT YOU DONT ACT LIKE IT !!" I began to tear up. "You never listen to me anymore... you're always in this room, sat in the same chair, doing the same things everyday..." I felt a tear fall. "You don't pay attention to me anymore Charlie and it breaks my heart at the fact that I never see you anymore... you don't eat lunch with me and your family, you don't come to bed when everyone else does, you don't do anything with us anymore... what happened to 'never giving us up, not for all the chocolate in the world?' I think I've said enough..." I walk out of the inventing room and go to mine and Charlie's bedroom... if you can even call it that anymore. He's never in it anymore, the only time he comes in is to get some new clothes from his closet. I close the door behind me and sit down on the bed. I wipe away my tears but more of them keep falling. That's when I hear a knock on the door.
Libby: "go away..." much to my dismay the person comes in. I look up and see Charlie, he smiles at me but I don't have the energy to smile back at him. He comes and sits by me and puts his arm around me, I lean into him and put my head on his shoulder.
Charlie: "I'm so sorry..."
Libby: "it's ok...." I wrapped my arms around him.
Charlie: "tell me your idea..."
Libby: "it's stupid..."
Charlie: "please..."
Libby: "fine... I just thought maybe we could invite all the golden ticket winners back..."
Charlie: "are you crazy?"
Libby: "no... they all learned there lesson... they should come back"
Charlie: "alright, I'll go talk to Mr Wonka about it..." he says with a sigh, I smile at him and look into his eyes.
Libby: "I love you..."
Charlie: "I love you too..." he pulls me into a kiss and I smile against his lips. We both pull away and he gets up leaving the room, leaving me alone... again. I sigh and grab my book of my bed side table. 'Alice in Wonderland' I open the book to my marked page and begin to read. A while later Charlie comes back in the room.
Charlie: "I've spoke to Mr Wonka"
Libby: "what'd he say ?"
Charlie: "he said 'Sure !! What can go wrong?' And then began to write letters to them" he said rolling his eyes and laughing.
Libby: "that's great!!" I mark the page of my book and place it back on my bed side table. I get up and grab some pyjamas from my closet and head to the bathroom.
Charlie: "what are you doing ?"
Libby: "going in the shower... why?"
Charlie: "I just thought we could spend some time together..." he said with a wink. I scrunched my nose and narrowed my eyes.
Libby: "no, I'm saving myself for marriage..." he just laughs at me. I go in the bathroom and take a shower. Once I get out the shower I brush my teeth and then I dry myself off. I then get in my pyjamas and brush and dry my hair. I hang my towels on the radiator and put my dirty clothes in the washing basket. I exit the bathroom to see Charlie sitting on our bed in his pyjamas. I smile and go and sit next him. I yawn and decide to lay down. Charlie lays down too and pulls my body closer to his. It felt great to be so close to him again but I knew it wouldn't be long before he went back go what he was doing. Sometimes I even ask myself why I'm with him and why I allow myself to be treated like that... but it's all because I love him. I put my arm around Charlie and bury my head in the crook of his neck. I smile and fall asleep to the sound of my boyfriends beating heart...

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