Mt. Lady (My Hero Academia)🍋

Start from the beginning

Lady: Grow?

You: Yes, grow as in increase in size, radiation effected crops and animals the same as it did the humans of my world.

Lady managed to get her senses in order.

Lady: Okay, look. I'm not catching anything you're saying. But I might know some people who could help clear this up and get you some food and better clothes.

You: And why should I trust you to help me.

Lady struck a pose.

Lady: Because I'm a hero and it's what I do!

You were unaffected by Lady's flamboyant display.

Lady: Free food?

You: That sounds enticing.

You both left the forest, your confusion only matched by Lady's.

Timeskip, a year later
You were hardly recognizable from the savage you once were, as you were clean shaven and wore a modern hero's outfit.

You had become a champion of the people who defeated monstrous villains, and were loved by all...including Lady.

While you're relationship was strained at first, you both became close as time went on, with you both often sneaking off to secluded spots to 'converse'.

On one such outing, on a cool night, you both snuck off into the woods you met in a year ago, Lady pulling you by the hand as you both giggled.

You: Why are we here?

Lady: To be alone.

You: We couldn't go to your apartment?

Lady: you can't fit in my apartment, remember?

You: Oh...right.

You both laughed as you came upon the tree line where you met.

Lady: Who knew that I would meet the man of my dreams in these woods.

You: I never thought I'd find someone special outside of my own world.

Lady: Do you ever think about going home?

You: Never.

Lady: Aren't you homesick?

You: Not at all, in my world I don't have air conditioning, delicious food, and...

You hesitated to speak.

Lady: And what?

You: ...You.

Lady blushed with a tear in her eye.

Lady: Oh (Y/N)...

Lady embraced you, your giant bodies against each other in a heated lip lock.

You reached for Lady's back zipper, where she giggled in your kiss.

Lady: I've wanted this for awhile...

You: So have I.

Timeskip, a few minutes later
Your large clothes were draped over a tree brach, you and Lady laying on a field of grass nearby in the moonlight as you massaged Lady's womanhood with your fingers.

Lady: Oh...

You: Do you enjoy it?

Lady: Yes, please don't stop.

You continued to move your fingers as Lady laid her head on your chest.

Lady reached down and grabbed your hardened rock, stroking it as you continued to massage her.

You: Uh...

You took your fingers from Lady, and laid on top of her, you ready to make love in the cool night.

With Lady's nod, you entered her, her arms tightening around your neck as you began thrusting into her.

You placed butterfly kisses across Lady's chest as you continued ramming her.

Lady: Yes, oh god yes!

Your lovemaking became so heated that the trees around you began to shake, with Lady now holding the ground beneath her in her giant hands as you held her legs for better maneuverability.

You thrusted into Lady with a passion, your brow wet with sweat as you threw Lady into an unbridled pleasure.

Within a few moments, Your cavalry was approaching.

You: Lady...I...

Lady gripped the ground so tightly that she had dug her fingers into the dirt.

Lady: Inside me...

Lady wrapped her legs around you to ensure you released your cavalry to her.

With a triumphant thrust, your hips tightened to release your cavalry as Lady moaned intensely, pulling the ground from underneath her and uprooting trees.

You both looked into each other's eyes, deep in love.

You eventually laid next to Lady, who laid on your chest as you both looked up at the stars.

You: You mean all those stars to me, darling.

Lady nuzzled into your chest.

Lady: And you mean all those stars and those unseen to me, (Y/N).

You both shared a kiss, unaware that the nearby city was in chaos over an unforeseen earthquake.

MReader X Female  One-Shots! Act Two!Where stories live. Discover now