chapter 1

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⬆ outfit she's wearing
⛔ major homophobia, abuse ⛔[there will be warning]
(Audrey POV)

I had asked father to meet me in the Living room. Todays the day that I tell him I'm gay, he hasn't shown any signs of being a homophobic so I hope this goes well.

I walk into the Living room and see father waiting. I get his attention when I walk in the room. He similes and greets me. I figure the best way to do this is like a bandaid,just rip it off quick.
So I just walk up to him, he looks confused one I'm almost toe to toe.
I look him straight in the eyes and say
"I'm gay." I looks shocked, then the shock turns to anger and i that's when I knew I had fucked up.
He just back hands me, and I fall to the ground. He pulls out his wand and points it at me. At this point I'm scared, like really scared. "Crucio!" It fells like a thousand white hot knifes stabbing all at once. I try not to scream, but I do anyway. After he stops the curse he walks over to me and and use some kind of spell to let you right on and scar skin. On my arm he writes 'disowned lesbian' all the way down it am puts some of his magic to stop the scar from healing.
" get your things and leave your not wanted here."
So I ran upstairs as fast as I could before he changed his mind.
I pack what close I could fit, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, about 15 hair ties, and some money I had socked away( she lived a block away(sorry I had to heh)in a large backpack, ofc after wrapping up arm
I got my warmest jacket as it was winter. And ran out the out door.

Sorry for the short chapter I couldn't think of anything else to write they will get longer in the future tho I swear. Also thanks for reading this terrible story. That all bye



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