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" I try to find a cake with those flower but i didn't find it, i'm really sorry so try to imaging this cake with Orchid Cupid"

Me and Sonic stand up and walk to the cake hold the knife together and cut the first piece of the cake and serve ourself than each one of us take a piece of the cake and feed the other as everyone were cheering at us and recording it, the cake tast even better that i thought even better, she wave to us when we look at her and wave her back as we take our seat the servan came and serve for the other, when Choas take his part of the cake w call him join us at out table he was so happy that he run immediatly after taking a piece and join us sitting between us the rest of the night was pretty calm only the cool music filling up the mood. 

~Some Hours Later~

The party was now over and the guests start to leave the castle leaving some gifts on the of the rooms, all the kids of the villagers were asleep including my son and his two friends, the grandparent take Chias with them as the Queen follow them tooof they invite her to join them and she was glad to be with Choas too after its her grandson, as everyone leave i notice Sonic being really sleepy so once the door close i pick up my Husband and run to our room sharring kisses not stop

Once there i open the door and we both look at the decoration and we're surprise about when that happen? we find a note from the Team Choatix saying to enjoy our night and hope that we like the room, i can't believe they really did it, before the wedding begin they ask me sevals questions about me and Sonic favorite things like flowers, colors, perfums and more, i didn't understand why those question but i did anwser them, i wasn't expecting that at all 

The room was really beautiful, there was a 2 trains of roses petals and perfums candles too drawing a way to the king size canopy bed they put all the rest of the Cupid Orchid white and pink hanging on the top of our bed and a heart drawing with some petals and candles on our bed, they even put a champagne bottle in a bucket full of ice cubes with two tulips cups and some chocolate.

I lay him down gently on the bed as i did too and we talk, laugh and drink the champagne, since we're to tired from the night we didn't even change our clothes and we fall asleep hugging each other, Tomorrow me and Sonic we're going to our honey moon in a little paradise island that Rouge found few days ago, not far from this island since it just infront of it.

I felt so happy again to have him in my arms, how much i dream to this moment, i remember when i was alone at my old house i use to put a picture of him on the bed while i'm sleeping or try to sleep imagining him with me and always hope that when i open my eyes all what happen was just a dream and wake up seeing him close to me giving one of his sweet good morning kiss, or his warm hugtelling some sweet words or something like that, but unfortunetly every morning i only to see his picture making my day even worst but that was in the past and now i'm with my lovely husband loveling him even more than ever.

~One Month Later~

Choas P.O.V:

Today is a super day, why you may ask well first Mom and Daad are coming from thier Romantic trip i miss them so much i can't wait to see them again, over this month a lot thing happen like Uncle Tails and Miss Soleil  aka Flash Mother are finally dating, Flash is learning with him about how to became a great pilot like him and airplan mechanic things too, Lumos was with Nicole learning cool thinging about hacking, programing and other cool stuff like that as for me well i still live with my grandparent but i leanr how to teleport from a place to another and Aunt Tikal and Uncle Knuckles were both training me other choas power, and when i'm free i go to shopping with my all aunties and my best friends too which it's pretty cool and Uncle Silver and Uncle Mephlies were finally moving here in the village like most of my family will.

A lot thing happen over this month but i don't know if can say all, like I met Mister Jet and his two friend and they open a little Hoverboard class for kid and Uncle Vector and Aunt Vanilla are together  more stuff like that, i but was excited to see mom and dad, they say that they gonna arrive this afternoon so me and my grandparent we prepare all together a special lunch for them and make room for them they maybe tired from the travel

As soon as we finish prepare the table i herad some footsteps coming  toward us, once i turn i saw Mom and Dad i just couldn't resist that i start to run happy calling thme as the did too, is like we've been seperated for years even if it was just a month but i miss them so much. i jump and dad catch me  and they both start giving me kisses as they hug me 

We join the family and star to eat as i tell everything what happen here durring thier absent to mom and dad and they both tell us about their trip they even bring some gifts for me, i just couldn't wait to come back home with my parent againjust spending time with them, Mister Jet teach me some cool move so i show it proudly to my parent and they were very surprise and proud, I also show some of new power control, like Teleportation, Super Speed, Invisibility, Anti Gravity, and Floating too, i also have my Uncle Silver Power and i also learn it 

When i show them all what i can do they were so happy and so proud of me too, but i can also feel a little of worry on their tone of thier voices, it's easy to know why but i made a promiss to my parent thati'll never use them unless there danger , they were releave and proud of me too, they even say that i was already a man now, mom even say that we can go do some family race the my parent use to do before i born, it was their favorite hobby and i wanted to try this since i can i have mom speed 

Can you imagine, me, Mom and Dad runnig on full speed in the middle of the no where just running  to a poit we don't but we all togeher, it might be something silly or normal for you but for me it was the best thing of my life, a family racing to discover new place, all what was matter for me was spending much time with my parent i just can't wait and can't hold my excitement

Dad promise me that soon will do a family racing, but first we've to go back home in the end of the day, just to stablise our life, mom make annoucement that he was also gonna start woking back at the restaurent with my grandparent too, we all were happy for mom as for i'm gonna continue y trainning with Uncle Knuckles and Aunt Tikal and i may have some study online too but mom say that will be when i'm feel ready for it not even pushing me or forcing me to do it , but i'll have to study with some of my Uncles 

But i didn't care if i have studing or training, since i'm gonna live with my parents a normal live like any kid of my age that was important, i'll have a normal life, well close normal one let's say a very special normal familly, and who know what would the future will prepare for us, but i know one thing that since i have a family then we're ready to face everything no fear, no mask, no lies only the bright light and hope will light us the futur.


Here We Are !!


Thank for being patient and reading the story to the end so before the Epilogue i want to ask you guys, do you want for this book a sequel? or not?

Let me kow on your comments if want know the rest or not 

Thank you one more time for yoour support comments, i always read all your comment in every chapter, and they all one of the reason of my motivation to continue the story  and make me to write more Sonadow and other ship story

I'm also working on another Sonadow Fanfic ( My Werehog Boyfriend) and Sonadow One-Shot feel free to drop your request there 

Thank you again my friends

Mommy, Who's my daddy?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant