The Hunt For Limitless Potential

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About a week after Dargovrah's attack, a couple of events had passed. Smesh's birthday, Jacqueline's birthday, everyone had fun at them. Smesh came out of the kitchen snacking on a slice of cheese pizza.

Smesh: Mmm~ Oh, this is some good pizza! 

Cristina: Hey, sweetie!

Smesh: Hmm? Oh, hi, Cristina! ^^

Cristina slid down the banister and landed in front of Smesh.

Cristina: So, how have... You been after... You know, being corrupted?

Smesh: I feel better, but still traumatized from the experience...  😓

Cristina wrapped her arms around Smesh and kissed him on the lips, as he kissed back. They kissed for a few minutes before breaking away for air.

Cristina: I promise I won't allow something like that to happen to you again, sweetie. 

Smesh: Thanks, Cristie.

Cristina: Wanna head out on a date?

Smesh: Sure~

They held hands and walked out of their mansion, but were unaware of some people watching them.

Mason: ...The time to strike is now. 

Ryan: Yeah, but how do we separate them?

Tyler: Hmm... I believe they're heading to a restaurant. I know what to do. Leave it to me.

Sam: Alright, we'll follow you, dude.

(Also, these aren't main characters. They're just spies from TasCorp.)

They stalked the couple, and sure enough, they walked into a restaurant.

Mason: Wait... I don't recognize this place.

Ryan: ..."Crystal's Ceaseless Buffet?" That wolf opened a restaurant?

Mason: Interesting... So, what's your idea, Tyler?

Tyler unzipped his bag and pulled out some pills.

Tyler: ...Strong laxative pills. If we put these in Smesh's drink, they'll dissolve. Once he drinks it, he'll be stuck in the bathroom for a while.

Mason: Interesting idea. Alright. How are you going to put those in his drink without being seen, though?

Tyler: I'll have to disguise as a waiter. Easy enough. I'll be back in a second. *Goes around the back of the restaurant*

Waiter: *Throws a trash bag into a dumpster*

Bob: Oh, YaY! mOrE cOoL sTuFf!

Waiter: Phew! All done. Now I can go back to serving orders-

He was knocked out with a punch to the face.

Tyler: Oof, guess trash duty wasn't so good for you.

Meanwhile in the restaurant, Smesh and Cristina watched as Crystal made a large cheese pizza at fast speeds.

Smesh: Whoa... :o

Cristina: Wow... :o

Crystal: Hehe! Almost done, you two!

Smesh: *Takes a sip of his Pepsi* Things have been quiet, lately.

Cristina: Yeah, it's been a week since Dargovrah's attack. As much as I like some peace... Things have been quiet. Too quiet for my tastes.

Smesh: Yeah...

About twenty minutes later, a waiter came over with the pizza and some garlic bread.

Smesh X Cristina: TasCorp TroublesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя