Follow The Leader

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The teens continued on with their lesson, for the next 40 minutes.

Once the teacher finished her lesson, she handed out a pop quiz on advanced poetry.

2 minutes into Zackary's test and he was done. He tilted his paper a bit to let Maxwell copy.

Maxwell grinned as he filled in the answers.

Maríssa glared at them. "Morons..." she muttered with a smirk.

Galaxy just stared. "You guys...shouldn't...." she muttered.

Zackary shushed her.

The girl turned away and sighed as she finished her own test.

After a few more minutes the class ended. The students turned in their tests and headed out to their break.

Maxwell grabbed Zackary's wrist. He then walked to an empty hallway.

Maríssa slowly followed them.

Galaxy peeped her head out the classroom door and stared.

"Odd, didn't headmaster say that hallway was unimportant....worthless"

She obviously knew budging into someone's business was wrong but she was a dumb, cheeky, misbehaved girl.

She followed behind them.

She walked in a slow past. She examined the school and its students as she did so she noticed how stern everyone was.

She sighed.

She soon saw them enter an empty music room.
This was an amazing way to spend her break at a new school, spying on teenagers she barely got introduced to.

The teenagers walked in and shut the door behind them.

Galaxy stared at the closed door.

"Just make up an excuse to come in..."

She lied her hand on the cold golden doorknob.

She turned it slightly and pushed the door.

The door opened wide, the girl standing stiff as possible. She stood there in the empty door frame as she looked inside.

There sat Maxwell and Zackary laughing in a corner of the room.

Maríssa, ontop of a black "Laney" stereo tuning a red bass with a black border.

And two other teens, Galaxy didn't know, cuddling.

Everyone of them went silent and stared at the newcomer.

The raven haired boy and the pale girl gave off a glare.

Galaxy stared.

She made her arm tremble.
Pretending to be shy was easiest thing she had ever done.

She cleared her throat and gave off an 'awkward' smile.

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