New Girl. New Problems

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The bell rung. Maxwell, Zackary, and Maríssa left the room and hurried off to first period, English class.

The three teens sat at the back table as they watched the class fill up.

The teacher, who was just sitting at her desk, stood up.

She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a forceful knock at the door.

The teacher opened the door and a girl stepped in.

The girl was short. Her long dark black hair with red and orange streaks almost reaching her knees. She wore a small skirt and a tank top.

She handed the teacher a pink slip.

The teacher read it quickly before ushering her to an empty seat next to Maríssa.

"Well students. Seems we have a new student. Galaxy Kran."

The girl gave a nod.

The teacher smiled slightly and went on with the lesson.

The girl looked around the class, eager to find new friends, but at the same time shy as could be.

She glanced at the girl next to her.

"Hi!" She said.

Maríssa turned to her. "...Yeah, hi" she muttered.

Galaxy looked at Maríssa awkwardly, she leaned a bit to see to males.

Zackary and Maxwell.

She waved. "Hi"

The boys looked at her. "Hi!" Maxwell said.

"I'm Galaxy!" She said.

"The name's Maxwell" Maxwell said with a grin. "Aye, want to tell the new girl your name, Zacky?" Maxwell asked Zachary.

Zackary looked down as he blushed a bit.
Zackary always blushed.

Maxwell smiled as he lifted Zackary's chin up with his index finger.

" shy basturd, you blush a lot. Now tell the girl your name..."

Zackary's face grew redder. "M-My name's Zackary..." he muttered.

Galaxy giggled a bit. "Cool name, mind if I call you Zack"

Zackary's face went back to its normal shade.

"Actually...yes...I do mind" he said softly.

Maxwell grinned as he wrapped an arm around Zack.

"Zacky, your so damn uptight!" He said as he tightened his grip on his friend.

Zackary felt his cheeks burn once more.

Maríssa glanced at the boys. "Idiots..." she muttered.

Galaxy giggled a bit more. She kind of liked these people.

Maxwell let go of Zackary slowly but kept an arm on Zackary's shoulder.

Maxwell turned back to the girl and gave her a sly wink.

The girl giggled and blushed slightly.

Zackary stared at this, his eyes grew a bit larger. He frowned as he looked away.
"M-Maxwell...stop it....please...Maxwell..?"
"...why do I even care, anyways...its just Maxwell"
"Its just Maxwell..."

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