"Can we talk?" My voice came out timidly. I always was afraid of Caleb and after so many years of not talking, his presence up close sent into a pathetic frenzy.

"That depends. Are you going to Punch me again?" He smirked. He seemed to be in a good mood today.

"Sorry about that. Are you okay though." I said as my hand reached out to touch his nose then realized what I was doing and quickly drew my hand back.

He swiftly caught my hand in his large one and returned it back to where it was. His touch  felt strange and foreign and that really confused me.

"Forgive my manners, please come on in. Its just that seeing you again after so long just made me forget." He directed me to the couch.

I sat on my side facing him as I anticipated what to say. Where do I even begin?

"Okay, I'm just going to cut the chase and tell you why I am here. I want answers Caleb."

"Ask the questions then R. " When he called me that, all the memories came flooding back to my head. All the time we spent together, the fun we had and my other things that we did together.

"Why?" That's what I could mange to ask. All the years of trusting him and he just walked out and left. I couldn't think of a better question than that. Why would be do that to me?

"Let's not be vague with the questions please. But I'll still answer your first one."

I didn't know if I was ready to hear the answer yet.

"I know you're probably going to hate me for this but I owe you the truth. " I braced myself for the hit.

"Back at the base, All my mates used to tell me was that I was not good enough for you. That I was only spoiling you and destroying your future. I didn't mind because it was not what you thought. You had so high thoughts of me and I couldn't love you more. Then I started getting threats from my friends  to break up with you or die, I always thought they were joking. One day your parents came to me at the base and threatened to have me sacked or deployed to Somali where I'd probably die in battle if I didn't stay away from you."

" I still don't understand. How does the sex part comes in?" I was now angry as I balled and flattened my fists.

" Be patient I'm getting there." He smiled. I didn't know what he found funny at that moment because my mind was in a scrambled mess.

"  When your parents approached me with that threat, I was still adamant to let go. I loved you."

"Loved? " I felt the blow.

"Let me finish will you. When I was still adamant your parents offered to pay me five hundred grand for the break up and I couldn't say no. My mom was in the hospital and I needed the money so badly for her surgery and a kidney transplant so the offer was too good to let go. Call me whatever you like but I would do it again if it meant getting my mother the treatment she needed to get better and heal. And on the sex part, I just needed a reason to break up with you. I knew if I asked you to have sex with me, you would refuse, making it a more suitable reason for a break up. I'm sorry for breaking your heart and leaving you without an explanation."

"You could have told me about this Cal , I would have given you the money you needed. You know I would."

"What about my life? I needed to lay low a little bit before I became dead meat." He reasoned with me.

" I deserved to know all this a little sooner don't you think? Would you even have told me?"

" I wanted to. Trust me I did. But your parents kept tabs on me I didn't want to lose my job, or die. I knew how rich people worked. Then I tried to get over you but when I saw you on that door yesterday, all those pent up feelings just rushed back like a whirlwind."

"What are you saying Caleb?" I just needed to hear him say the words.

"I still love you R. I don't know what we're going to do about your parents, but I wanna get back together with you if you're up for it. But if you've moved it's cool also, no one to blame really, I did this to myself. You and my cousin Nate looked pretty close yesterday, he's a nice guy."

"Are you kidding me, I would love to get back together with you." This is what I had longed for. Even in my dreams. But why was my heart feeling a little heavy?

"Really? What about Nate, aren't you two...

" No no Nate and I are just good friends that's all. So how's your mother? "

"She didn't make it through the transplant. She passed away during the procedure. Sometimes I wish I never took that cursed money, maybe she would have lived a little longer." He had a regretful look on his face and I patted his shoulder in comfort.

" I'm so sorry to hear that. But you shouldn't blame yourself for that. You did what you thought was best for her, I'm pretty sure I would have done the same thing."

"Still, I could have done better."

"You know, all those years I imagined telling you everything and you just chasing me away like a stray dog. I know that was a dick move to make but I was desperate."

"Its okay Caleb, I forgive you. Let's start over."

"I'd love to."

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Edited. Enjoy!

The Other SideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora