Chapter 6

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Part 1


' What were you thinking. '

' She obviously thinks you are so dumb now. '

' Call Ray, the boy must be worried sick by now. '

After thinking and thinking for almost half the day and talking to myself  I finally decide to call Ray and ask him about what happened after I left.

He picked on the third ring. I like to believe he was attempting to be mad at me but failed miserably.

" Hello buddy." I sing sang.

" I'm at the front door, are you coming to open it for me or you still want to hide in the room?" he questioned irritated.

" I'll be down in a sec ." I said as I hang up.

My mom was still at work and so was my dad. I opened the door to an angry  Ray who stomped directly to my room.

" I have been calling and texting like the best friend  that I am but you have been ignoring me. I'm beginning to think I am not your best friend anymore." Ray said pacing back and forth the room with his hands akimbo.

" Come down. I was just about to....

" Don't tell me to come down and you were just about to not do anything. Seriously Nate I called and ran after you but you disappeared without a trace."
Ray said now standing still and giving me a Stern look.

" Look can we just focus on the main thing here. You are getting overdramatic for nothing. Seriously though what did you expect me to do huh! Stand there and get embarrassed more than that. Didn't you see how Archie and his group were enjoying themselves at my expense. I bet now they have more reasons to bully me next Monday in school. I so much dread the day. You know what let's just play PS or something." I finished taking larger gulps of air now.

" Just one more question. Did she and her crew laugh at me after I left....not that I want to know the answer." I said nonchalantly.

" Who is she?" Ray seemed genuinely interested.

" Forget I said anything. What do you wanna play anyway?" I asked changing the topic.

" I think we should go grab pizza or something. I am starving." Ray said patting his belly.

" I swear you are an animal. I am not surprised if you ate three slices before you came here." I pointed an accusing finger.

" What! What's wrong with that. I am a growing boy after all." he defended.

" So, I was right. You did eat three slices before you came." I confirmed.

We ordered pizza and did our homework. Then we played some games and watched a movie.

" What do you wanna do in college Nate?" Ray suddenly asked out of the blue.

" Why? am I your inspiration?" I asked chuckling.

" Cocky aren't we. Just answer the question will you?" he said playfully punching my shoulder.

" A doctor maybe or a pilot I'm not really sure. Hell even a therapist maybe.Why?" I questioned for the second time.

"I dunno. I just thought I should know." he said.

" What about you? What are you gonna do?" I pried .

" And here I was hoping you wouldn't reverse the question." He said laughing."

" Very funny, just answer the question will you?" I used his own words against him.

" Is it too bad that I don't even know what I want to be?" he said raising an eyebrow.

" Not at all . Just a heads up, everyone's journey is different. Just because you don't know what you wanna be right now doesn't mean you wouldn't be someone in the future." I consoled my best friend.

It was almost midnight and Ray had already fallen asleep. Sleep had deserted me completely. Just as I was about to finally get some sleep a heard a 'boom' which sent me into a frenzy and I fell down from the bed almost concussing my head. ' What could that be ' I thought before the lights suddenly went on.

" Krypty Kripton mom!  Dang it!You could have killed me ." I panted out of breath still rubbing my head.

" Are you okay though." My mom said chuckling." You said my undercover tactics suck, so I wanted to try one more time.. did it work?" She said now in a full blown laughter.

" Mom don't ever do that again." I scolded.

" What's Krypty Kripton anyway? I mean who says that? You have a weird way of swearing." My mom probed.

" Nothing that concerns you and I just said that. Mom , just go to sleep. It's already midnight." I said closing the door in her face.

Mental note. Remind me to never leave my door open before my mom is home ever again.

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This chapter is edited. Enjoy.

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