"I hope you know the repercussions of your actions Rosalind" she lifted her head at the sound of my voice, her big brown eyes were very red and puffy like she'd been crying for years. "....and I have been given all rights to make sure you're severely punished."

"You didn't want the marriage as well, I did you a damn favor!!." she stated in between sobs.

I was shocked but quickly covered it up, firstly how did she know I resented the idea of getting married because I never told anyone except Alessio and I'm sure he didn't speak to her also the Rosa I knew never talked back to anyone, she was a quiet, little, obedient lamb in everyone's eyes.

"I knew you didn't want the wedding, I heard you telling your brother about it at your mother's birthday party. You were only doing it for the Mafia Boss title but you got it nevertheless without having to marry me so please just release my friend and I, I'm begging you, please don't let them come for me." she began to cry profusely and her hair stuck to her face and neck.

"You are going to be punished nevertheless because you left me at the altar, I was mocked and still am today because of your stupid action. My family was humiliated in front of everyone and it was all your fault!!, I will make sure you pay for it and I'll start with your little best friend since you care about her a lot." she immediately began to thrash in her seat pleading against the idea. "By the way, your parents have been informed of your presence and some one will be here to take you back to Italy soon."

"No!! please!!, please lemme see her before they take me away, please Antonio I beg you."

"You don't have the right to ask for anything Rosa." I countered as I stood up to leave.

"Please Antonio!!, I'll do anything you ask, I'll go anywhere you want but please just let me say goodbye to her." she pleaded.

"That sounds like a good offer but I'll pass." I was about to leave her but I knew the other girl had nothing to do with Rosa's problems, she's just a victim of circumstance and now she has to live with it. I paused at the door before turning around to face her.

"I'm going to allow you see your dear friend but better say your goodbyes because you'll never see her again, she's now my property so I do whatever I want with her." I actually didn't plan on keeping her but she might be of good use later on.

I left the room to the cell where the girl was to be kept, I spotted Dom speaking to Carlos Macron who's in charge of our prisoners and captives so I headed to them.

"Is the girl here yet?" I asked Carlos once I got close to them.

"Yes boss, I just dropped her in last cell away from our other captives." He replied.

"Good, get Rosa and bring her there." I said before turning to Dom" have you contacted Rosa's parents?"

"Yes boss, she can leave today, her mother's actually here in New York and was about to leave before I called her, she's at the airport waiting for Rosa."

"and Luigi? " I asked, I ensured his wounds were treated so he could confess who he had been working for.

"He's been taken to the torture room." Dom replied.

I walked to the last cell where Rosa's friend is occupying, Rosa and macron were already waiting by the door.

"untie her" I said pointing to Rosa's hands. Carlos immediately loose the ropes binding Rosa's hands, all the while she kept her eyes fixed on the floor.

I used the key I had to open the cell door, immediately the door opened I heard the sound of footsteps scurrying away, the girl had moved to a corner of the room, she had fear written all over her features and was shaking from head to toe. I looked at her for awhile before turning around to face Rosa "you've got twenty minutes" and then I left the cell room, I signaled to Carlos to watch them in case Rosa tried anything stupid.

His Redemptive GiftWhere stories live. Discover now