Let's Do It

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Setting: Blossom and Brick sat in the livingroom watching a movie.

Blossom: Hey Brick (Blossom asked softly)

Brick: Yeah

Blossom swung a leg over his lap to land sitting on his lap while facing him. Her face flushed as she looked up at him her hand pressed gently to his chest.

Blossom: I'm ready, I want to do it

Brick lifted a hand to hold the hand she had pressed to his chest. His face also turned red as he looked deep into her eyes.

Brick gulped.

Brick: Are you sure?

Blossom nodded gently.

Brick: You know what happens when we do this, don't you?

Blossom once again nodded

Brick: It might be a little scary at first but, after you adjust it will begin to get better, you might even enjoy it

Blossom: I'm ready so please don't hold back

Brick: I'm so glad you finally want to go cliff diving with me

What did you think they were talking about?

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