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Setting: Brick walked downstairs after a long nap. And there Blossom was sobbing on the cough.

Brick: What happened Blossy? (Brick automatically kicked into protective boyfriend mode)

Blossom: I....I..I...I ( Blossom couldn't speak she was so sad)

Brick pulled Blossom into a tight hug as she cried on to his shoulder.

Brick: Blossy babe I need you to tell me what happened

Blossom: I'm.....I'm trying....It's just.(Sob)

Brick: I can't do anything if you don't tell me what happened.

Blossom: It's just so.....(Sob)

Brick: Whoever did this I'm going to kill him


Brick: (Leaned in to hear what she would say next)

Blossom: I ran out of strawberry ice cream and popcorn so I can't finish Twilight (She sobbed again)

Brick: (Turned into a deflated balloon)

Brick: So you were crying because you ran out of food to watch a damn movie.

Blossom: I know isn't it just awful. (She sobbed again)

Brick sat silently for a moment.

Brick: What the fuck Bloss!

Blossom: What! (She said confused)

Brick was consumed with flames of rage. Literally.

Blossom: Babe

Blossom: Babe please don't be mad.

Blossom: Babe.

Brick is a pile of ash.

Blossom: Shit not again (Get's dustpan and sweeps up Brick)

Blossom: Time to call the professor.

~The end~

Thanks for reading.........

Hope you enjoyed.................

To be continued.................................

And as always have a awesome day.........................................

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