Cooking part 1

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The Moniyan Empire Kingdom is a peaceful place, filled only with the sacred silence and the brave heroes determind to keep the land safe. Many people wanted to step inside but only few were chosen. What they didn't know, is that deep in the kingdom, there was a section of it reserved to the Lightborn heroes...


"Fuck, fuck, fuck please, I beg of you, all Gods that I know, fucking stop this musiiiiiic!" Screamed the mage and the Imperial Seal Master, Harith, while he cluched his hair, messy from his hold, trying to cover his ears to no avail.

The sound was so torturous nobody in the living room even had the energy to go up and escape. Their body are stuck to the chair, forcing them to experience the suffering for as long as it lasted.

Of course, Harith isn't the only one who was suffering. Across from his seat is Alucard, tears coming down to his cheeks, each one singing the prelude of hell as his demonic arm sprouted multiple Latin profanities, threatening to thrash the world if the music continued not for the seal Harith put on it.

It was a peaceful day. It was about to be peaceful until the next day, but not until Silvanna told them all to actually have someone cook them dinner because their eating routine is messed up, and she was sick of someone going to the kitchen in random intervals of time, causing that one person mission to be hold back.

They picked ballots, and Granger was the one appointed to cook.

And now hell was crashing down on them.

"Now put salt... and peeeeppeeeer...!" Granger sang while playing his trusty violin. With his quick hand, he was able to switch from playing to actually cooking. Waltzing to the whole kitchen, he was oblivious to torture he was inflicting to his teammates.

"Hey Tigreal, is my ear bleeding?" Asked Fanny, face scrunched as her ears screamed for death. She thought if she played her music to the max while wearing earphones, she could escape the dreaded song and relax, laughing to her unfortunate teammates. But all it resulted was an unholy mix of terrible violin playing with one of her favorite song. But she couldn't decide what's more horrible.

To taste the bitter music raw or to endure the unholy mix of her wrongdoing?

She couldn't decide. It was like she was choosing the lesser evil.

"N - no. No it's not, Fanny." Tigreal flashed a crooked smile as he, too, enduring the pain. He wanted to appear strong, unmoving, but even he has its limits. He couldn't really hide it anyway, or to sugarcoat it to his teammates, Granger's music is just that terrible.

"I don't know whether to thank the God of Light..."

"Thank him." Harith croaked, "Thank him because he's keeping me from killing that living fai -- " As if hearing his complaints, the music turned an tone higher, and his face crunched in despair, hopelessness and pain, He wanted to smash anything, to punch the table, but even removing his hold on his ears will spell his immidiate doom, so he contented himself to smashing his head across the table.

"Harith! Don't hurt yourself!" Screamed Tigreal.

"I'm not hurting myself, I'm giving myself the sweet release of death -- DAMMIT!"

"J - just meow for us, Harith." Alucard joked, but that came out as a pathetic plea, not a mocking joke. The Leonin didn't reply, contenting himself to whispering curses and banging himself in the table in some periods of time.

"Faex, Irrumator, Fututus et mori ni IGNIIIIIII!" Shouted Alucard's demonic arm, which is mxing nicely to Alucard's screams, way more nice than the sad excuse of violin that were coating the whole room. "Futue te ipsi, Futue te ipsi, FUTUE TE IPSIIIII, MEMENTO MORRIIIII"

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