I brought Gally into the med shack for him to grab any ingredients he needed. It was a strange concoction, but he only made it on special occasions. He took berries off the shelves that I gathered from the garden and the forest. Near the back of the Glade a patch of trees made up a small wood which we called the Deadheads, and for good reason. A small graveyard was made at the very back for those Gladers who had passed. Either heroically or just plain dumb freak accidents. There were no animals in there only some birds, but I could usually find some sort of berries and plants to use to make medicines and herbal remedies. I let Gally use whatever was left over, I was running low on some ingredients. 

We went back outside and sat on one of the log benches. Gally and I laughed as he showed me how to make his secret drink when Newt came over. 

"Everything alright over here?" He asked, fixing his knife into his pouch.

"Yeah, just getting ready for tonight." Gally replied, shaking the contents in his jar. 

"Oh great." Newt said sarcastically. He looked back and forth between Gally and I, "What do you guys think of the greenie?" 

Of course, Gally was quick to answer, "I don't know. There's something about him I'm not liking." I wondered if Gally meant he recognized him, if any memories were coming back. But I thought it was best not to ask. 

"Have you introduced yourself yet?" I asked Newt who'd been looking at the Greenie and Alby, the first in command here, who was giving him a tour.

"Not yet." He replied, "Did you guys see the way he sprinted off earlier. I almost thought he could be a bloody Runner." 

Even the sound of the word Runner, a hot sticky feeling crept its way into my stomach. It's been three years, and the Runners haven't found anything after sacrificing too many lives to the maze. At this point, I thought we should just give up on getting out and accept the fact we weren't leaving this place. But the Gladers thrive off of hope and I didn't want to ruin that for them.

I looked Newt dead in the eyes with concern, "Don't give him any ideas Newt." He nodded in condolence. We talked a little while longer until he left to introduce himself to the green bean. 

Gally finally finished his unappetizing beverage and carried it with him. We saw two of our Runners, Minho and Ben come back through the maze entrance. Gally thought it would be funny if we offered them the drink, seeing as they'd be desperate for any beverage after running and mapping all day.

Minho and Ben slowed to a jog as we greeted them at the edge of the common area, "How was it?" I asked.

Minho wiped the sweat on his forehead with his arm, "Meh, just the usual. Nothing."

Ben was bent over with his hands resting on his knees, "Gally," he panted, "C-can I have some of that." 

Gally handed the jar over. I did my best to not smirk and spoil the joke. Ben undid the lid and gulped a quarter of the liquid down before the taste kicked in. He quickly coughed and spat the saliva mixed beverage onto Minho. He kept coughing and wiping his tongue on his shirt while Minho swore at him. Gally and I were practically on the ground wheezing at the situation. 

"How did you fall for that?!" Minho yelled at Ben.

"Well when you're dying of dehydration you're not exactly worried if the water looks like klunk!" Ben exclaimed, only making us laugh harder. 

After Ben stopped gagging and Minho let it go, they jogged over to the Mapping Room so they wouldn't forget the patterns of the maze today. Gally and I didn't have much else to do. He had a bit of work to do on the Homestead still that was interrupted by the greenie's arrival. As we made our way over to where the construction was I looked back at the entrance of the maze. Chuck was supposed to be showing the greenie around, but instead the two of them stood right at the entrance of the maze. The green bean looked as if he were about to make his escape, which wouldn't have gotten him very far anyway.

I hit Gally's arm with the back of my hand to grab his attention, "Hey, what the hell is greenie doing?" 

Gally looked up and squinted then his eyes widened in anger, "What the-" he started to sprint over there before I could even respond. I followed after him at least ten feet behind.

"Gally! Wait!" I screamed. But his rage blocked out my voice and he darted straight for poor greenie who didn't hear him coming. I knew Gally was gonna do something stupid. I was relieved when all he yelled was,

  "HEY!!!" Until I saw him shove the new kid six feet through the air. As usual he had broken our deal. The greenie hit the dirt ground at full force and Gally stood over him almost proud, "We gotta stop meeting like this Greenie." He said.

The boy flailed around on the ground, shock taking over him once again. He staggered to his feet, "Get off of me!"

"Alright! Calm, calm, calm, calm." Gally said in his best attempt to not make a scene, as if that would help. Some Gladers not too far from the scene ran over to us. Chuck worryingly stared at Thomas but couldn't do anything about it. Gally looked over at me, all the colour in his face drained. I glared at him in dismay while the newbie was still fumbling around. Gally looked more scared of me than Alby and the boys charging over. 

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" The greenie asked still recovering from Gally's launch at him. 

Newt quickly looked over at me, the entrance only a few feet behind me, and then back at the newbie, "Just relax, alright?"

I was too caught up making sure Gally wouldn't kill the kid that I didn't realize I had only been a few steps away from the maze. A metallic whir screeched deep in my ear but no one else seemed to hear it. The sound of my footsteps in rhythm with my sharp breathing pounded at the front of my head. My legs ached and moaned and my eyes were sun-hot. Images of metal claws and shaky memories flashed in my mind's eye. The iron scent of my crimson blood staining the floor of the maze came back to me. The boys voices were muffled, yet I still heard everything they said. Alby was busy keeping greenie at bay when Gally leaned over to me and gently set his hand in the small of my back. 

He leaned over and spoke gently in my ear, not loud enough for anyone else to notice,"It's alright Marty. You're here with me, and we're in the glade. It's just you and me and the gladers, safe within these walls. C'mon." Gally reassured me and talked me through my episode, he was the only one who could calm me down. He carefully pushed me forward forcing me to take small steps. Clicking of gears came from above us catching me off guard. I turned around to the direction everyone else was facing and caught a glimpse of the giant walls of the glade start to close. When I turned around, Gally quickly grabbed me by the arms but not tight enough for me to feel constricted. He carefully turned me around and made me take a few more steps away from the closing doors. The rest of the boys were too bewildered by the commotion in front of them to notice me, which I was grateful for. Except for Newt, he looked over once or twice to make sure I was okay, like the mother he is. I stood at the back of the group, a bit more calm now. Gally went back to where the newbie stood still mesmerised after the gates closed to get his snarky comment in.

Gally broke the group's silence, "Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." He turned his back on the boy and met with me again, and led me away from the gate back to the common area.

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