Jin ZiXuan×Reader

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—Time Will Tell—

Minutes ago, the deciples were just talking about their future cultivator partners and the next comes a fight just because of a girl.

Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixuan started to brawl over Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian's senior sister, so it was expected he'd cause a fight after Jin Zixuan's reaveal of displeasure with marrying the young lady.

And as Lan Wangji's Moto goes; Being wherever chaos is— their fight got cut short, fortunately.

Both of the still angered young masters were escorted to their chambers, calming down after the fight and bracing themselves for the upcoming punishment, for they broke one of the 3,000 Gusu lan rules.

Jin Zixuan had other plans instead of staying in his room, which was; go out for a peaceful walk and forget about the troublesome Wei Wuxian.

It was quite late already, pass sunset but not nearly evening which earned the sky an enchanting crimson to purple hue, showing the face of dusk.

The place he chose to relax in was atop a small hill, marbled furnitures already waiting to be seated on.

What he didn't expect was someone else to be there, already taking one of the rock seats.

There's a not so well known Young master from an above average clan, but his fame was slowly escalating after being acknowledged by his mannerisms, knowledge, fighting and Cultivation techniques in Cloud Recesses.

Wan (M/n), the young master of YueGuangWan sect, the sect and clan opposite of QiShanWen sect. As they have the sun, YueGuangWan has the moon.

The area YueGuang sect is located in was uphills, as to live up to their name as "Moon flame", as high as the moon and fierce but calm as a fire. The Wan clan is quite alike to the GusuLan clan, only a bit less extreme in terms of studies and most definitely less or close to no rules.

Everyone in that clan are free spirited, calm and collected people yet also fun and goofy, like the moon switching from bright to dull in different nights.

The night is their favourite and obviously adorn the moon the most, hence (m/n)'s current reason of being out at almost curfew hours.

Jin Zixuan never paid attention to the young master before, inferring that he's hard to approach base on his observations. Though when he got a closer look of (m/n), the kind smile displayed on his lips and soft eyes beg to differ.

He was smaller than Jin Zixuan and frail looking but upon closer inspection, there are definitely muscles under those layers of clothing. His eyes held the color of vibrant (Color) and his silky (color) hair swept as the wind brushed.

His presence was yet to be known so he continued observing the smaller male from afar, who was just looking up at the sky, the moon already decorating the night as well as some few stars littered across the slowly-becoming night sky.

The shine of the moon just inhanced the boy's features even more and Jin Zixuan's eyes were definitely not going to avert from the enchanting view any time soon.

"You can join, me if you  like."

The voice was soft and quite but loud enough for him to hear, nonetheless, it made Jin Zixuan jumped since it was sudden.

He questioned how long the latter had noticed his presence. Imagining the young Master Wan already noticed him since the beginning, Jin Zixuan fumed with embarrassment.

He slowly rose up from the spot he was sitting on and awkwardly rubbed the nape as he hesitantly asked, "...So you knew all along?" His voice wavering slightly.

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