Khushi and Arnav fight

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Khushi – You are so cheap Arnav gave me gift and you are asking me back the next day....I hate you....

Arnav – never could say I love you...look so easily you are saying you hate me.....(Khushi makes a face and turns) ok more teasing.....(he smiles and stands up...) I will be get ready and come down....

Khushi – But my clothes???

He gestures towards side table where a salwar was kept...She smiles back. He gets off the room. Khushi wears a elegant green salwar and come down. Arnav had already changed to his usual dress and was waiting for her in the hall but suddenly he realizes the kalash kicked by Khushi yesterday (the one she assumed it to be a bomb) is not kept he quickly goes and starts cleaning Khushi comes down and see this...She rushed to him snatching the kalash and starts to clean the rice grains herself.

Khushi – Even this??? (She looks at him and blushes...he smiles back. She finishes the cleaning) Shall we leave??

Arnav – Sure....

They both reach back home. Arnav had some important work hence he went out. Khushi was remembering all the things Arnav had done for her throughout the day and was waiting for him to comeback. Door bell rings She comes with all the excitement and opens the door thing its Arnav but she fins it to be Sheetal.

Khushi – You are .....(thinking a bit)..Sheetal right

Sheetal – Yeah....I thought I will meet Arnav ...I had something important to tell him...

Khushi – Oh come in...he is not at home....he will be back soon...(Sheetal enters)..what will you take...tea, coffee, juice????

Sheetal – Anything would do.....

Khushi – Ok just 5 min....(She makes Sheetal sit infront of TV and leaves to Kitchen...Door bell rings again)

Sheetal – I will see...

Khushi – Ok (She smiles)

It was Arnav and seeing Sheetal in house his anger rise...

Arnav – You??? How dare you come to my house dint I warn you not to cross my path

Sheetal – Sorry Arnie...I mean....(Khushi comes with Tea and snacks to living room)

Khushi – Don't finish all fights at the door come inside (She was teasing him...he rushes in)...Thank god Mummy and Papa are not at home otherwise.....

Arnav – Its not funny Khushi....(he looks at her dangerously which make her get scared...Sheetal comes )

Sheetal – I think I should leave

Khushi – Wait Sheetal....(Turns to Arnav) Please ...she wants to discuss something important...for my sake.....

Arnav – Khushi....(he calls in frustration but he calms down)

Khushi – Please..... (looking at hir pleading him to agree.....)

Arnav – Ok fine...tell me Ms Mathur what is that so important that you want to discuss (Sheetal looks at Khushi)

Khushi – I have to get clothes from terrace will be back both have tea and snacks... (She starts walking towards stairs)

Arnav – Wait Khushi.....(Looking at Sheetal)....Whatever the matter is I want her to know as well...tell me

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