Khushi meets Arnav's Wife

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Arnav – Actually I wanted surprise but cant hold it...I want you to meet my wife before you go....and she insisted that you should wear this gift selected by her....Fine then see you at guest house....

Khushi – Hmm (Arnav walks out....) oh god why are you testing me like this......


Arnav (thinking) – I know you felt bad...but I dont have choice to make you realize what you are doing would have hurt you forever.


Arnav comes in excitement....Aarthi watches it who was watching TV

Aarthi – What is the matter.... you are so happy today....

Arnav – Yes maa....I found your daughter-in-law....I solved the mystery maa....

Aarthi – really??? (Pranav listens to this while entering home)

Pranav – So finally you could find is Khushi then....

Aarthi – You both keep saying Khushi.... Khsuhi...who is she...introduce her to me also....

Arnav – Maa.... she will come here can be with her...just have some patience...(Aarthi makes a face) Dont be like this.....I am going to get ready to welcome her (Walking towards his room)

Aarthi – Oh really..... fine then.....I will make arrangements... (Gets excited....Pranav smiles at the joy of these two)


Arnav is waiting for Khushi in the hall. Khushi comes in wearing the saree he had given with her travel bag and a small hand bag. He was lost in thoughts

Khushi – Hello Sir...

Arnav – Oh... Hi Khushi...

Khushi – Tell me Sir what is that important thing you wanted to discuss?

Arnav – What is the hurry Khushi sit...(Khushi is watching here and there searching and scanning the hall) You are searching something?

Khushi – wo.... I cant see Madam anywhere

Arnav – Oh... she is here in guest house...dont worry...

Khushi – But where? (Smiles at her curiosity and tension)

Arnav – In my room ...come... (he gets up and walks towards his room)

Khushi (Thinks) – Again I have to go there.... I cant face those pics.....(Arnav looks back and see Khushi is not walking behind him)

Arnav – What happened Khushi?

Khushi – Nothing .... (She walks behind him to the room)


Again Khushi looks everywhere.....finds no one but there was a album and a file kept on bed. Looking at her confused Arnav speaks.

Arnav – Acually she is just a few steps dont need to search her...come I will show you my marriage album. I think by then she would be with me. (Khushi was hell nervous, she dint want to see that but Arnav is calm. He goes and takes the album keeping file aside sits at the edge of the bed.) Why are you so lost?

Child MarriageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora