Search for Khushi

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She was thinking about the ring

Khushi – Similar kind of ring...that too K..... is it K for Khushi and A as in Arnav?...(hits herself) come on Khushi... you just met them and relating to your marriage.... there can be similar kind of rings and there are so many raizadas.....think about the themes and its execution.. (Khushi Sleeps)

Theme 3 was finalized by Pranav and Khushi started working on it. Pranav and Arnav were impressed by the work done by Khushi. She had made perfect arrangements. But she wanted to design Arnav's dress for the event as she wanted to try her fashion designing skills. When she was showing the arrangements to Arnav.

Arnav – Nice arrangement Khushi...I really liked it... Papa was right... you have done a magic.

Khushi – Thanks Sir....can ask one more thing if you dont mind

Arnav – Tell me Khushi....

Khushi – Wo.....can I design your dress for this event... I have done fashion designing course...please give me a chance.

Arnav – or the other have to design why not you (smiles). But tell me one thing how much talent you have in you Khushi? I think in future your husband will be very lucky. (Khushi's face fell down listening to this) what happened...

Khushi – Nothing ...(fakes a smiles and recovers her emotion)... can I take one of your dress for measurement.

Arnav – Sure...I think I have some spare dress here come...I will check....(He takes her to his room....She had come inside the room for the first time as the arrangement were in the hall and Lawn..she never entered any of the rooms...once she comes in she glances the room full of Arnav's pics at different age.....And there she spots the pic and recognizes it)

Pic she saw is below:

Khushi – (thinks to herself) No it cant be

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Khushi – (thinks to herself) No it cant be..... Arnav Sir...and am just assuming......(her thoughts were interrupted by Arnav's voice)

Arnav – I got it.... (He gave a set of his suit) you can use this one

Khushi – Ok (She was observing him closely)

Arnav – What happened Khushi?

Khushi – Nothing I am just feeling tired

Arnav – Yeah you would be..... let me drop you to orphanage....

Khushi – No ... no... I will manage.....Bye Sir... (She runs off from there)

Arnav – Khushi...listen...what happened to her suddenly... (He sees she left her bag in his room) oh now I have reason to go and meet her in orphanage...(he takes the bag and gets in the car....he thinks) why does she always stop me from dropping her....she keeps looking at the ring....(he was about to skip a signal but notices before that and apply brakes making the bag fall) uffo... (he tries taking it and keeping on seat but the zip gets stuck with mat and opens making the things in it fall. He notices a mangalsutra among the items) Mangalsutra.....why is she keeping it in bag? Is she married? Or going to get married...should ask her....(He reaches the orphanage. Meets the caretaker and tells the reason he came. She lets him go and meet Khushi in her room as she knew their family. He comes near Khushi's room and watches her crying keeping a pic in hand so he stops near the window which was open by mistake as Khushi hadn't noticed)

Child Marriageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें