Being Mrs Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada

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Khushi – Even you are joining me?

Arnav – I usually dont...but with all that what happened today...I want peace of mind..I hope you dont mind...

Khushi – No no...(In thought...."atleast we can go to temple together for once...thank you god....") its not like that... I just asked ...(Arnav locks the door....they both enter the temple...Khushi is all the while looking at Arnav who looked very upset again she thinks "I am sorry Arnav ji...I know you will accept me and fight for my right at your home but I dont want to be a burden for you. If possible forgive me for hurting you...that someone is you yourself Arnav ji...")

They both get inside the temple. Khushi drops her handbag deliberately while praying and while picking it she touches Arnav's feet....Arnav notices this but ignores and thinks.

Arnav Why are you doing all this and still not ready to accept are making this complicated Khushi...but Arnav Singh Raizada never lose his things that easily. And you are my wife you think I will lose you listening to your lie...never..God please show me the way

They finished praying. Now sitting on the bench for a while in the surrounding.

Khushi – Arnav ji...

Arnav – Hmm

Khushi – Actually I got something for you.....I wont be here tomorrow I want to give to you now (She was hesitantly telling him)

Arnav – Look Khushi...first thing don't address me as Arnav ji when we dont have any pesonal relation...second I wont accept from nor give any gifts to non family members and. I hope you understand.

Khushi – But I took your gift and I wore it today...why not you... (Arnav just smiles)

Arnav – I thought you are my wife and I gave it...but....forget it....comes lets go you would be late (Khushi was hurt but she herself ruined his feelings so she had to take. He starts walking towards.. Khushi carelessly follows him without any sense and she trips and falls down at the side of muddy path where some small plants were some of her bangles broke and her saree got all muddy. Arnav turns back to see if Khushi is coming and sees her fallen. Comes to her quick.) Oh oh...what happened...(Helping her get up)

Khushi – I slipped...(Looking at herself) oh god this became dirty...(She starts wiping it there only)

Arnav – Khushi everyone are looking at us..

Khushi – You keep know how precious the first gift of husband is...(She blurts out...Arnav just smirks)

Arnav – What.....

Khushi – I mean nothing....(Arnav thinks "My gift is precious and you love someone....crazy girl. She cant even lie...if I dont make you confess yourself I will change my name..")

Arnav – We can get this cleaned by dry wash Khushi...leave it...come with me...(He pulls her as the attention on them was getting increased. He get her to car) Sit

Khushi – No...Car seat will get dirty... (He quickly gets a spare polythene sheet spreads it over the seat)

Arnav – Now Sit... (Khushi sits and he starts driving towards Raizada Mansion..)

Khushi – Where are we going

Arnav – Home..

Khushi – What??? Whose home...

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