The Beach

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"Your destination is on the right," The annoying British GPS girl says. I grit my teeth-Why did Calum have to bring THAT GPS?!

"Woah," Calum says. I focus back on the road and see a beautiful beach-the stars lit up, and the waves that were crashing lightly against the shore calmed me. The water was blue green, and a row of sea shells that were blue in the moonlight lined part of the shore.

I step out of the car, eager to see more. I can hear Calum laugh as I basically sprint toward the beach and take off my flats as I step into the sand.

It's the most soft sand I ever touched. I fell to my knees, and ran my hands through the sand.

"Done there, 5 year old?" Calum smirks. I whip my head around and glare at him, but I feel a smile creeping slowly across my face.

"It's beautiful, Cal," I whisper, getting up and hugging him, careful not to get any sand on his clothes.

He holds up his duffel bag, grinning. He sets it on the ground, and starts to pull items out.

2 blankets, 2 pillows, a bed comforter, 2 bottles of wine and 2 glasses. Then he pulls out the last thing- 2 sandwiches.

My eyes widen as I finally realize the gnawing in my stomach. I basically snatched a sandwich from his hand and I take a big bite.

"Mm," I moan, as the flavor bursts in my mouth and I no longer have a huge empty stomach. (A/N pls don't comment 'ew this is so dirty' it's actually meant as her eating a sandwich lol;) don't go ape shit on meh<3)

Cal laughs, and takes a bite of his own. He hands me a wine bottle and a glass. I quickly open it, and poor it in the glass thirstily. (A/N again not meant to be dirty) I take one large gulp of it. It tasted like real grapes, but with a zest in it.

He lays down the comforter and two pillows, and hands be a blanket. I lie down next to him, watching the stars as we both eat and drink in silence.

"Cal," I whisper. He turns and smiles at me. "Thank you... It's amazing and..." I sigh, digging my hands into the sand and grabbing a shell. I stuff it into my purse so I could have something to remember of this place.

"Yeah... I actually haven't been here since I was eight," he whispers. "My parents took me here all the time but..." He trails off and wipes his eyes. I smile at him sympathetically.

"They leave?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head.

"No... They divorced, and I decided to stay with my mum." He says in barely a whisper. "She died in a car crash, and I've been pretending I'm living with my aunt, but I'm not... I've been living alone since I was twelve." I gasp. He's seventeen now so... 5 years? About the same time I left to America.

"Woah... I'm so sorry," I say quietly. "My dad died, when Ash and I were seven," He nods his head... Ash already told him. But I decide to keep going anyway. "It was the day Ally was born. He was on his way to the hospital, and..." Tears gather in my eyes at the picture of him dead, lying in a bed just next door where mum was giving birth.

"He was frantic," I continue, determined to finished the story. I had never really told anyone about this, but Ellie and my asshole EX-boyfriend. "He was driving about 100 miles per hour," I say, trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to spill out of my eyes any second.

"And... I texted him on my moms phone... 'Hurry baby ally's coming!' God I'm so stupid," I whisper. "He looked at his phone... He wasn't looking at the road..." Tears start spilling out of my eyes, making it so I could hardly see anything.

"It's all my god damn fucking fault!" I scream. I feel Calums tight arms wrap around my waist. I turn to him and bury my face into his shirt. I'm glad he didn't try to console me, or tell me it wasn't my fault.

He knows it would make me hurt even more.

"Shh, baby, go to sleep."

And so I do.



reveals a bit about auroras dad:) and the backstory of her family. More will be revealed once the story goes on and on.

Thnx for reading<3


(PS note to xxshoozxx; name will be mentioned next chapter hopefully:3 luv u!!)

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